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 My Favorite GT "Trailer"

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larry8200 Posted - 12/18/2011 : 13:50:25
I think I put more hours on this trailer around the yard than I do on the road. And that is a lot. I have a hydraulic winch I wanted to put on it, but all said and done that would cost more to setup than a small 12 volt Warn winch brand new, maybe a lot more. The trailer is hooked to my 7112H pretty much full time, except when I'm using the blade, and while that 12 horse wont tow it up much of a hill with a full ton on it, it does just fine. I could almost get rid of my dump carts, almost.. :)

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 12/24/2011 : 16:29:24
I limit my trailers GVW to 2k, with no brakes thats really maxing my little Ranger, though the trailers hardware is rated 3k or more.
skunkhome Posted - 12/24/2011 : 15:36:54
Originally posted by larry8200

Phil, does your trailer have brakes? Trailers in NH are required to have brakes if registered for 3,000 pounds or more.

no brakes
larry8200 Posted - 12/19/2011 : 11:32:15
Mine is just over 8' with the gate up. I wanted a 6' x 10' trailer but the only ones I could find had an expanded metal floor and the first thing I would have to done was put a PT floor in.

In retrospect, towing two large frame tractors and some accessories/attachments is asking a lot of my 4 cylinder Ranger, so its a good thing I didn't find a 6' x 10'. Actually I did find a nice all aluminum trailer that weighed 300 pounds less but cost 3 times as much. Would of been nice on the road, but maybe not so nice around the yard.

Phil, does your trailer have brakes? Trailers in NH are required to have brakes if registered for 3,000 pounds or more.
skunkhome Posted - 12/19/2011 : 10:46:02
mine is only a 5x8 actually 5x7'11" with gate closed, which aggravates me as I cant lay 8" stock straight in the trailer. It is strictly a one tractor trailer but has a capacity of 3500 lbs. It is about at the limit of what I can manhandle safely at my advanced age. I am sure I will have to rig up some help in the not to distant future.
larry8200 Posted - 12/19/2011 : 09:57:07
Hitch was drilled out to 3/4" when I got it, and its a standard 2" ball. If it wasn't drilled already I would have ordered a ball from Simpkicity with a 1/2" shank. The material on the tractors hitch is marginal for a 3/4" hole.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/19/2011 : 06:07:46
What you got for a ball hitch on your tugger, there?
Hotwire7434 Posted - 12/18/2011 : 23:16:14
Nice trailer Larry. I have one similar I bought from a friend. It is 6 x 10 inside had to install a new wood floor otherwise just needs me to paint it. It has 4k axles though heavy duty. Love it and don't know how I got by without it. Merry Christmas.

larry8200 Posted - 12/18/2011 : 21:26:34
Originally posted by skunkhome

That looks like my Pro-pull trailer. What size and load capacity is it?

Load area is six feet by eight feet, cozy for two large frames. 3K axle/springs, rims and tires. Purchesed new from TSC with accessories for about $1,200.00

$18.00/year registered at 2K/lb. No brakes, no state inspection.

edit: trailer with accessorie weighs seven huidred pounds, toungue is 200 pounds unloaded. Ranger is rated 2K w/ 200 pound toungue
skunkhome Posted - 12/18/2011 : 18:38:53
That looks like my Pro-pull trailer. What size and load capacity is it?
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/18/2011 : 17:44:32
those tractors are real workhorses,cool

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