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larry8200 Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:19:39
Planetary type sickle bar mower for 3400 and 7000 series tractors, and a Allis built Homelite T-16 I was after for the Briggs single, but looking it over I might put it back together. If only ir was a hydro not a shuttle.... The price I couldn't refuse. :)

Good thing I have gotten more than half my tractors in storage for the winter!

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 12/31/2011 : 12:19:42
Mines actually not as bad as it looks, the hood is the worst and its straight at least. Except for the seat, battery and front diveshaft coupling its all there. And the whole driveline except center PTO is straight from a Simplicity 3416S which I have plenty of parts for
joe fess Posted - 12/31/2011 : 11:43:48
The T-10 I got didn't look much better.Lots of wire wheels and many rattle cans of paint took care of that. Rebuilt carb.new filters and fuel line.I pulled transmission apart and found only a broken key.Changed axle seals and all fluids. I did adapt a sears dozer blade to it but otherwise it gets used as a mule.

larry8200 Posted - 12/14/2011 : 21:59:26
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by larry8200

That T-16 has a front end twice as rugged as anything I have seen....

Larry, I would like to see some closer photos of that.

I will do that, was planning on it anyway. quite a setup.
skunkhome Posted - 12/14/2011 : 21:40:27

Originally posted by larry8200

That T-16 has a front end twice as rugged as anything I have seen....

Larry, I would like to see some closer photos of that.
sammiefish Posted - 12/14/2011 : 18:22:31
Originally posted by larry8200

That T-16 has a front end twice as rugged as anything I have seen....

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/14/2011 : 16:18:23
At least you have some neat options....blue would be a nice permanent addition to the fleet (other than the sears)
larry8200 Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:56:31
Never had an RBT sickle, just a first generation 725/B1 sickle tha B10Dave now has. I currently have a 3414S, 3415S and 7013S running. I find the shuttles slip, especially in reverse when running them in wet weather, and I am a Vickers hydro man to the core, nbeen on them my whole life.

That T-16 has a front end twice as rugged as anything I have seen and speaks "Loader, Loader!" ah if it was only a hydro.... But WAIT! The back end including BGB on this T-16 is Simplicity, and I have a complete rear end from a 3212H and a 7018H either of which would bolt right on....

On the other hand I really want to replace the Kohler in my 7112H with a 32 CID Briggs...

What a tough old world. :( LOL
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:34:15
Don't see all that many Homies around here...maybe two listed in the last year, and I cannot recall if they were the Allis variety or not. I like that mower...very cool. That's probably the one thing your 3416H hasn't worn before, or have you had one in the past?
midnightpumpkin Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:30:49

I generally share you dislike for shuttle drives. I bought a 7013S for parts a couple of weeks ago. It appears to have been well maintained and the shuttle drive works as it is supposed to. We will try plowing with it this winter, if we ever get any snow. It just may be a keeper after all, maybe the same with your T-16.

John U

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