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1014211 Posted - 11/24/2011 : 20:19:25
Ok, every Thanksgiving morning we shoot skeet. It has also grown into shooting handguns at a little target range I made with a 4x8 sheet of plywood. The carryall is very handy at carting everything out to 'the range'. In the first pick is my Lefever Nitro Special double barrel 16ga, my Remington 870 20ga, and Bersa 9mm. In the second my dad added his model 870 16ga, a couple handguns of his own and ammo boxes, and my brothers model 870 12ga joined the group. Fun day slingin some lead....

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ByronC Posted - 11/26/2011 : 20:01:16
Originally posted by skunkhome

These are my two shotguns; The top one was my dad's 16ga Remington mod 11 , he purchased after WWII from a widow. It was built in March 1940. My 870 Wingmaster, bottom, is 12ga x 2 3/4", built in October 1976.

I shoot my dad's Model 11 very sparingly as parts are scarce and I don't want to break something I can't repair. This is one of the guns I want to see passed on for generations beyond my demise. Another is the 98 Mauser he sent back from Germamy in 1944.

That top shotgun, the Remington is only the second Remington built on the Browning Patent I have ever seen.

Cool Shotgun. I have a 1950 Browning Automatic Light 12 that my father gave to me.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/25/2011 : 14:17:45
Beautiful Phil! Wish I had the original buttstock on mine. My Grandfather had it trimmed down to fit him. That Model 11 is very, very cool. The receiver looks like it's straight off an army tank!
skunkhome Posted - 11/25/2011 : 13:26:43
These are my two shotguns; The top one was my dad's 16ga Remington mod 11 , he purchased after WWII from a widow. It was built in March 1940. My 870 Wingmaster, bottom, is 12ga x 2 3/4", built in October 1976.

I shoot my dad's Model 11 very sparingly as parts are scarce and I don't want to break something I can't repair. This is one of the guns I want to see passed on for generations beyond my demise. Another is the 98 Mauser he sent back from Germamy in 1944.

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/25/2011 : 09:43:34
I will have to do the same...my 6am bedroom photos don't do it justice! =] Your's looks aweful purdy. Mine will be handed down someday, with any luck, to one of my own.
1014211 Posted - 11/25/2011 : 08:05:11
I will take some photos later today when I clean it. The fact my grandpa bought it and then gave it to me makes it something I will own till the day I die :)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/25/2011 : 06:52:24
My only shotgun is my Grandfathers 20ga Wingmaster. He had bought it new, and I'm pretty sure it's the only new firearm he bought himself. A beautiful and sweet shooting gun! I'd love to have a matching 12 and 410, but rarely use a scattergun, and have yet to justify picking one up.

A few years back, I had the gun aged by Remington, and am trying to find the info. At that time, they had told me it was a '66. I have the original improved and modified barrels, though the modified had exploded at one point (snow in the barrel), and was sawed off and shortened in order to be saved. I stillhave the end, and will have to dig it up and take a pic.

skunkhome Posted - 11/24/2011 : 22:48:03
That is what I was asking. The old 870 has the tootsie roll forearm. That is a relic. I would love to see more photos of that one. The model 870 has been in continuois production for 61 years. There are few sporting arms that can boast that.
1014211 Posted - 11/24/2011 : 22:28:12
Phil, top photo has my 20ga 870 nearest the tractor. I believe it is from the 70's, as my grandpa bought it for his son (my uncle) who ended up never using it. So it is in excellent condition as my grandpa was in the Navy and knew how to care for the gun. He oiled it twice a year even though my uncle never used it. The gun closest to the handgun in the top photo is my 16ga double barrel Lefever. It was manufactured in late 40's. I love that gun. In the bottom photo it goes from left to right, my 20ga 870, my Lefever, my brothers 12ga 870 (base model with rough metal) and then my dad's 16ga 870.
skunkhome Posted - 11/24/2011 : 22:05:24
Nice. The Wingmaster is by far my favorite shotgun though mine sees little use outside the trap range. I tend to grab the rifle first. I recognized the 870 express as I bought one for my son a few years ago but is the one closest to the front the old 870 16 ga. If so that is really an oldie. My 870 looks like yours and was produced in the early '70's.
larry8200 Posted - 11/24/2011 : 21:27:25
Non contedri, nolo, no contest. :)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/24/2011 : 21:03:36
Those babies are super sharp! Looks like a lot of fun, and it was a nice day to let them bark! I'm jealous...My Thanksgiving is spent driving all over you know where, dining with family at three separate locations (two of which ALWAYS result in family fued) Frankly, I'd rather work =[

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