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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 10:29:33
Got the rear AGS on in the right direction, winter oil in the motor and the grader blade on for my stupid driveway. Thinks it's ready??

NOPE!! Now it's ready! Let momma go out in the cold!!

We all know that won't happen, but she did want to sit on it and drive it a bit..
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 20:58:07
You HAVE to post some pictures, of a foot? :)
1014211 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 20:52:21
It works great for me, if I turn it around it does what it was made to do, and starts grading my driveway. Those rocks just come right up. With it backwards and turned it does pack down some, but it moves a ton of snow. Used it on all but about the biggest three snowfalls all last year. My driveway is horrid to keep clean. The only thing that works better is my dad's fel on his tractor, backing up with it with the bucket angled down.
Cvans Posted - 11/09/2011 : 19:14:16
That scalloped edge that is facing up would work great on Ice and packed snow I would think.

freddie Posted - 11/09/2011 : 18:22:46
Your going to want to turn that blade around or it will just float over the snow. I tried it like that last year, did not work to good backwards. But forward realy did a good job on keeping the driveway very clean.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/09/2011 : 12:47:56
That should keep the drive nice and clean! Looks like you accidentally got the tractor in those pics too...
larry8200 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 11:06:34
Man! With the gravel in your driveway I could sure have some fun with a snowblower... there wouldn't be an unbroken window within 50 yards!!!
Cvans Posted - 11/09/2011 : 10:51:01
Jon it doesn't look like you have much need for a lawn mower in that yard. I can see why you don't use a snow blower

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