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 Snow blower impeller for a leaf vac.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
K1dan Posted - 11/07/2011 : 18:38:22
I am contemplating building my own leaf vacuum. I was thinking about using an old second stage fan as the impeller. I could build a blower housing with plywood and sheet metal. Here is one I found on You tube.

Any thoughts out there?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
uglyallis21 Posted - 11/08/2011 : 15:36:22
i want to try building one of those truck loader vacuums that vacuum up a pile of leaves right in to a pickup
Cvans Posted - 11/08/2011 : 11:00:26
I love home made projects that work good. This one is great. Thanks for the video.

K1dan Posted - 11/08/2011 : 05:50:56
Gotta serious leaf vac on a stiff hitch trailer / swivel wheels, with its own 5hp Briggs.....

Priced to sell!!!!

You've got mail.
larry8200 Posted - 11/07/2011 : 21:42:22
Originally posted by K1dan

Any thoughts out there?

Gotta serious leaf vac on a stiff hitch trailer / swivel wheels, with its own 5hp Briggs.....

Priced to sell!!!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/07/2011 : 20:44:02
Wow! pretty neat!
acdad Posted - 11/07/2011 : 20:35:15
I gotta admit......it works pretty darn well!

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