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gotthebug Posted - 11/07/2011 : 11:15:28
Traded this even up

for this,think I did good 7012 hydro.with elec.lift and front pto.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gotthebug Posted - 11/10/2011 : 16:53:16
Got it running,no smoke,only thing it needs is carb.rebuilt.
Cvans Posted - 11/07/2011 : 23:12:53
You should be a used car salesman. You'd make a great living.
You made out like a thief on that deal.

The electric lift is slower than the hydraulic lift but mine has
been totally trouble free and you don't have to have the engine running to use it.
B-16_IC Posted - 11/07/2011 : 22:13:23
Anytime you can trade handles for a steering wheel it is definitely good! Looks like a straight and unmolested machine.
simplelife Posted - 11/07/2011 : 14:41:19
You did mighty fine on that one, for sure! Don't know what else to say, it leaves me speechless.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/07/2011 : 13:55:03
Very nice! That's one heck of a machine!
cschmidt62 Posted - 11/07/2011 : 13:26:00
Last summer I traded a McCulloch Chainsaw for a solid running 7016H. Good Job on the trade.
superbinder Posted - 11/07/2011 : 12:30:56
You should be makin license plates
K1dan Posted - 11/07/2011 : 12:10:03
Did you sleep OK last night? Cause, I think you stole the tractor.

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