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Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/06/2011 : 19:32:52
I've had this thing for months, and still haven't touched it. Mounted up the genny tonite...kinda a two-fold deal. It's heavy as hell, and I'm planning to use the genny hitch to base a bracket for my suitcase weights off of. For now, the unit itself is my counterweight. Also, since the loader machine will see intermittent use, I thought it the perfect candidate for being a genny machine, if the need arises.

I got a tip from someone that a 71" belt works great for the FDT/RBT genny combo, and it is spot on. Problem is...NO JUICE. I pulled the fuses, and will try new, but any other tips would be great! This thing is like brand new, and aside from a rust bubble or two on the belt cover, it looks unused. Even the hitch points still are unscratched.
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Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/07/2011 : 22:09:48
Wel, the flash worked great! Lots of juice in that old genny, and the engine responds well to the loads i could find to put on it. Very impressed! A great piece of equipment.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/06/2011 : 22:55:49
Yeah! Been movin some sod and dirt. Works freakin awesome! Its dusty here and an hour after the pics were taken, the old girl had a well earned coating of crud on, in, under and through everything =]

I have another 2 yards or so to move, so Ill have to get some action shots and video.
larry8200 Posted - 11/06/2011 : 22:21:15
My setup is identical, except it AC livery, it has smaller than stock pulley so you dont have to run the engine WOT to get 240 but I wont to put stock back on it. can do pics.

Hey! has your BIG TEN made it outdoors yet? Tires sure dont look it! :)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 11/06/2011 : 21:52:00
I was reading about that same process. I'll have to give it a try tomorrow, thanks!
Count Macula Posted - 11/06/2011 : 20:15:19
Maybe you just need to re-energize the generator.

With the generator running plug in a drill, with the drill in forward and the trigger depressed, spin the chuck backwards, be careful not to get your hand or clothing caught if the generator begins to make power.

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