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 738 cleaned up

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1014211 Posted - 10/29/2011 : 12:27:50
Well, the kids are at the in-laws so now was my chance to clean up the 738 before the birthday presentation. My dad is buying a new seat and I think that will really make it look nice. It also got introduced to some relatives in my garage when I was doing the cleanup.

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1014211 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 22:05:06
That would be fun Josh, not sure I would have a wide enough angle lens to get all ours lined up!! Your photos are great to, be a fun photoshoot!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/30/2011 : 09:55:45
Slick Jon....might have to schedule a photoshoot for mine when I bring them your way next year for the show!
1014211 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 09:03:41
Never had a 'Bug-Eyed' tractor before so had a little fun with the camera for this one. Took it in broad day light and played a little in photoshop. Thought it turned out different....

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/30/2011 : 08:27:17
Mike, I use Never Dull too, from time to time on anything chrome I have. Works nice, but does take some elbow grease.
1014211 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 08:23:58
Thanks guys, I will get to it. I can't believe I have to wait two weeks to give this to her!!! :)
simplelife Posted - 10/30/2011 : 05:48:29
For bad rust I also have had good results with SOS pads, but this is the stuff I really like. Takes a little elbow grease to make it work, but no scratches and does a great job of shining up metals. Trucker turned me on to this stuff years ago.

bud119195 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 01:43:39
I clean up my hubcaps by soaking with CRL(calcium lime and rust)cleaner and use a light scouring pad to scrub them
B10Dave Posted - 10/30/2011 : 00:02:34
Jon; I have had good results cleaning rusty chrome parts by using SOS pads. The fine steel wool pads with soap in them. Don't use too much water until you are ready to rinse. They are cheap in any grocery mart and worth a try. Your daughter is going to be so tickled on her birthday. Please post lots of pics on the day. Dave.
acb10_64 Posted - 10/29/2011 : 19:17:54
Boy that cleaned up Nice! Love the family!
larry8200 Posted - 10/29/2011 : 16:17:20
Looks great, your garage is looking nicely full to. On chrome I use fine scotch brite pads with soap and water, then wipe down with oil.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/29/2011 : 16:09:43
Ive had good luck with the xfine steel wool, but doused it in a bit of polish. If they are pretty rusty, maybe start with something a bit more aggessive, but not much. I started with some 600 grit on my Big Ten grill frame, and went finer, fi.ishing with only a polish. They are nearly mirror like now. I was shocked they came back so well.
canawler Posted - 10/29/2011 : 14:34:34
Lookin' great. Love the period woodgrain.

I've been told #0000 steel wool and a drop of oil will polish rust off chrome without scratching it but I haven't tried it yet. I'd certainly test in an inconspicuous spot first.
1014211 Posted - 10/29/2011 : 13:56:23
Whats the best way to clean up the hub caps?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/29/2011 : 12:40:44
That is a good lookin munchkin Jon! She'll be tickled...You're gonna be a busy guy with all those little tractors runnin' around! I'm excited for the big reveal!

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