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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/27/2011 : 20:21:23
Well, I have had a few want ads out on the net for some time...the longest of which going back over a year was for a gang reel, or even parts of a gang reel. I was hoping for Simplicity stuff, but I figured the chances were slim.

Rob found his 3-gang real a month or so back, and it was PERFECT! Today, in reviewing my local Thursday auction listing...I found it! A three gang reel, that looks mostly complete and matches several of the Allis/Simplicity gang reel ad photos I've referenced in my search.

I hope to grab my goods tomorrow, or perhaps Saturday. I believe them to be a 'reel' steal

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1014211 Posted - 10/28/2011 : 22:08:22
I bet your WB575 has the stones..... :) Remember what I pulled around with my 616.... ;)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 21:36:58
I tell ya...those in Ft Wayne are a deal! I'm not sure where a guy would go with a 9' mower, but it would shave time off a large lot...football field...or golf course =]

I wonder what that set weighs...I bet it's quite a bit. I thought it was in my head that I could feel a bit of weight in the back of the pickup (they set them in with a forklift at the acution house), and when I unloaded...It became clearer what a big steel turd I had back there by the tailgate. I'm thinkin my WB575 won't be but out to pull them around, but we'll see when I get the wheel repaired.
simplelife Posted - 10/28/2011 : 21:02:17
Originally posted by cschmidt62

Not a Simplicity but someone might be interested....

Hmmm, that is less than an hour from me! Gotta hunt through the couch cushions for lost coins!
snohiker Posted - 10/28/2011 : 20:21:36
very nice josh ive draged mine around as well and they do cut nice. and yea they weigh a ton dont they but the 5 footcut is nice to
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 18:10:37
Well, got them home, and for the most part, they are gems!

First off, they are MUCH heavier and larger than I expected...of course, I didn't really know what to expect. At first I kept talking myself out of what I guessed they weighed when I unloaded, then I looked up the ship weight on the SImplicity price list...yeah, they're heavy alright. The set weighs in at 297#. Each reel is nearly 100#, and they feel it.

The tires show the expected weathering, but the original wood rollers look real good, as does the finish. Fatigued, but that's in better shape than my sicklebar.

They actually were cutting pretty efficiently while I was moving them around by hand, and I did tow one behind the Wonderboy for kicks...they cut! The clippings just fly!

I want to correct the hitch point to the tractor...a chain won't do. Also, one of the wheels was cracked inside the hub pretty severly. I finished her off, and it looks like a simple weld (and it will hide nicely inside the hub)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 14:49:37
That is actually a very, very, very good price for a gang like that. Those ProMow gang's run well over $1000 new, and many times over $1500. I was amazed to find how much they cost, when I was running into them while searching for vintage GT stuff. The best price I have seen was a 5-gang ProMow, for $500.

If someone actually wants to CUT with a set, that is a steal, as long as it's as nice as it looks.
cschmidt62 Posted - 10/28/2011 : 14:41:51
Not a Simplicity but someone might be interested....
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 09:43:19
Hmmm...Interesting. I found it listed in the Simplicity price list, but never checked my Allis Attachment Catalog. There are light differences, and they look to have been made to accommodate the addition of the 5-gang reel set. I take it the 'first type' 3-gang did not allow for a 5-gang setup.

I had seen pics of the 3 roller version somewhere...might have been in literature for the 2-gang Wonderboy reels.
Homesteader Posted - 10/28/2011 : 09:07:11


Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 07:58:01
I see what you're saying Greg...I might be in better shape than I thought! I cannot imagine finding a 5-gang. Wonder how many they even sold? Based on teh '61 price list, the 3-gang was $215...which was 33% of the cost of an entire, only new electric start 725 tractor. For comparison, the 'new' 42" rotary mower was $115. The 5-gang doesn't show up in the price lists until '64, and at a price of $375. By '67, the 3-gang and 5-gang were up to $272 & $473, respectively. Ouch!

Also, wonder what the difference is between the 3-gang #990180 (1961) vs 3-gang #990273 (1964)? I cannot pull up the former on Simplicity's site.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/28/2011 : 07:41:03
Yeah...I need somethin. My folks have a 28x34' pole barn up the road, and I keep some stuff up there, but in the colder seasons, it has a couple boats in there, which soaks up a lot of my borrowed space. They have a 3 stall garage there too, and that has a tractor in it...then they have a stall accessible fromt the back yard, and yup...there's some larger parts (tranny's frames, sheetmetal) and a tractor in there too, waiting to push snow. Then I have a couple off-site, being borrowed...

Come show season, I'm going to have quite a job just figuring out what to take. I have a 101"x26' non-enclosed trailer, and I think I could fill it twice. What does 4 or 5 tractors loaded with attachments weigh, anyway?
Homesteader Posted - 10/28/2011 : 07:40:11
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

If anyone can find pics of the leading mower hitch to the tractor...I'd love to see it!

Looks like all parts are there for the 3 Gang. The 5 Gang had a different hitch to the tractor. I believe the picture of the 3 Gang in that catalog was really a 5 Gang with the two outside mowers detached.

#990273 3 Gang:



#990275 5 Gang



acdad Posted - 10/28/2011 : 07:32:18
Geeze Josh, I see a pole barn in your near future as your basement and garage must be getting full!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/27/2011 : 21:56:31
I won them with lots of 'room' and sounds like tomorrow afternoon I will have time to pick them up. Im not sure how much cutting they will see, but I will have to give them a try. I think they will be a neat showpiece behind one of the Wonderboy's!
B112 Posted - 10/27/2011 : 21:32:40
Very nice find and look forward to getting a report on how effect your mowing goes! I've thought about those for the fields I wanted to help cut.

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