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1014211 Posted - 10/25/2011 : 23:19:27
Well, I left work early today and drove 466 miles round trip to pick up this nice little Broadmoor 738. I can't get enough of these little ones. This one will be for my oldest daughter who turns 9 in a couple weeks. This thing runs sweet. And this is the first one I will have in my stable with lights and wheel covers. I will get more pics after I clean it up a little and of course when I give it to her. Hope I can wait!

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/26/2011 : 21:12:09
I can picture Jon on the 101...I'm sure he can make that happen!
1014211 Posted - 10/26/2011 : 21:10:13
I am stalling put away the tractors for winter for that very reason. I may try to get them lined up after her birthday so each of the three older kids can be on theirs and then the Mrs and I on two others. We'll see... :)
acdad Posted - 10/26/2011 : 20:18:17
Great job Jon! She will love it.
B-16_IC Posted - 10/26/2011 : 19:34:34
Originally posted by olcowhand

Jon, I still don't see you in that Family pic! It's only a partial "Family Pic" until you're in it too!

Yep, we need a whole new family pic when you get her set up with the new addition! You know someone else could run that camera for a change!

That is a nice little machine! Out of ten little ones to go through here I have never had any with headlights. The solid clean runners are the best finds.
olcowhand Posted - 10/26/2011 : 17:14:10
Jon, I still don't see you in that Family pic! It's only a partial "Family Pic" until you're in it too!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/26/2011 : 15:38:59
Thats a heck of a trip for sure, but worth it in the end. It's nice to have a solid reliable machine! Its a warm cozy feeling when they all fire right up.
1014211 Posted - 10/26/2011 : 14:56:40
Tom, that frame did take a 10hp Briggs in the next model year. Around 1975 they called it the system 5010, the 8hp was the 5008. So if you can find that type of 10hp Briggs it should bolt right in? It would be neat to find one. This 8hp purrs like a kitten and was rebuilt 3 years ago, that was another reason I drove so far to get it. Looks like it will last. I agree Freddie, can't wait to see her light up. She has been asking for a while. Hopefully I can make it to her birthday!! :)
freddie Posted - 10/26/2011 : 14:27:03
Good job jon. It feels good to see there face just lite up when they get it. Congrats
Hotwire7434 Posted - 10/26/2011 : 14:16:16

I got a 738 a couple months ago with a blown engine, but had a simplicity dump cart. I will have to figure how to post pictures. Could I put a briggs 10hp in it. It is to be a winter project. Just some random thoughts. Even measured to see if the 20hp crapsman Kohler would fit. Not a chance unless I got the sawsall out, no way could I preform such radical slashing on the little guy. My grandkids will be the proud owners. Pa Pa can just smile with pride as they make lazy circles in the yard.

Good luck on your project

1014211 Posted - 10/26/2011 : 11:20:02
Wes, it has been a good year acquiring the 535 Serf, the 3212V and now this 738. The better part? I only paid for one!! :) My dad got me the other two!!
Josh, right now the 738 is in dad's pole barn until her birthday. But yes, I am in need of storage! Can't wait to get a photo of the three older kids on their tractors. I will hold off putting the small ones in storage so I can get a good photo opportunity. :)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/26/2011 : 06:01:17
Nice lookin machine! That means both styles of Broadmoor are in the garage now, right? You're going to need a storage alternative pretty quick!
acb10_64 Posted - 10/25/2011 : 23:32:47
Nice one Jon! You're really adding to your collection this year!

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