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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 10/22/2011 : 16:16:04
Well, this 7016 is always trying to find ways to irritate me. I am giving it anther chance and have it set up for winter duty. loaded AG tires and weights. Will mount the blade soon.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1014211 Posted - 10/23/2011 : 20:34:22
Josh, traction is great. It really bites in when turning, however mine are also loaded so they are not ideal on the lawn as they can really dig in. If I mow with them in the spring I tear it up! But since I really have this setup for snow plowing I love them since they turn really well in snow.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/23/2011 : 19:35:52
Jon, with the fronts, curious what you notice as far as traction goes, and how it may affect the turf. I'm planning on using a set of front AG's I have on my Squire, and am curious how they handle.
1014211 Posted - 10/23/2011 : 14:24:37
I already switched the rears but kept the front ones as is :)
olcowhand Posted - 10/23/2011 : 12:09:32
And if primary use of rear blade is pushing in reverse, then the rears are on proper.
gearhead19 Posted - 10/23/2011 : 11:27:15
Originally posted by olcowhand

Always heard when ags are used on the front without 4WD to orientate them as you have them.

I agree Dan, I was always taught non-driven = outside of V points forward, driven= outside of V points rearward... This keeps them from loading up.... Jon either way those ags look mean on that tractor...

olcowhand Posted - 10/22/2011 : 19:30:44
Always heard when ags are used on the front without 4WD to orientate them as you have them.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/22/2011 : 18:32:25
Sure looks the part! Everything's squared away, again?
1014211 Posted - 10/22/2011 : 18:02:17
Yep, I put the back on backwards and since they are so heavy since they are loaded I made the front match. If I have a traction problem I'll change them.
Falky Posted - 10/22/2011 : 17:41:55
Do you know that all four tires are on backwards, might get better traction if they were turned around David

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