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T O P I C    R E V I E W
B-16_IC Posted - 10/21/2011 : 00:39:14
Funny how things go in spurts, some years back I was running into foot draggers, then Broadmoors, then pure junk for a while. Last two have been RBT hydros. A buddy of mine had traded for a repowered 917 a while back wanting the 18hp Briggs twin for a Snapper gt with a bad rod. Turned out to be incompatible for it so I decided I had to have it having never owned a 900 series yet. The Briggs is from a crapsman and was never fully wired in. It still has it's electric clutch hanging on it even, I'm thinking I'll try to recoup some of the purchase price by selling the engine and install a single instead.

The evening he delivered it he told me of a JD guy who had bought a 712 hydro that he wanted to pull the engine off of for a Deere project. Wanted to know if I would be interested in the rest of it for $65, you bet! He called me a few days later and told me he had traded the guy a Cub Cadet for the complete untouched machine. I went and retrieved it this afternoon. This one has the tightest steering of any of my gt's, cone clutch lining is thick too. Only had time to give it a bath tonight in between other dutys before retreating to the house. I got it rolled in the garage beside the other newbie until I have time to fire it up and give it a test drive, it has been running recently. The 917 came with a very rust eaten 48" deck I was hoping for better but can't win them all, the 712 came with a 42" that has several cracks and has rough bearings but otherwise pretty good.

I really need to stop buying and get a few things that are being neglected sold, it's getting crowded in there.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 10/22/2011 : 14:14:52
Originally posted by skunkhome

Very nice score. Hope you have good luck with the 12hp Kohler.

I hope for good luck too. The throttle shaft of the carb of course needs bushings, but I think they needed that three or four days after leaving the factory. Did I mention I prefer Briggs?
I am thinking the 712 will be the lucky recipient of the NOS electric lift kit I snatched up at the AC dealership closeout this summer. It will then become mainly a tow vehicle for dead ones and trailers. The 917 will get a 16hp Briggs and become the main mowing machine since the hood allows for better cooling.
skunkhome Posted - 10/21/2011 : 12:16:32
Very nice score. Hope you have good luck with the 12hp Kohler.
B-16_IC Posted - 10/21/2011 : 09:23:27
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

Nice grab rich! Those are workers for sure. I have to tell you, your garage is more full than mine, and I'll be sure to use this pic next time I hear about all the stuff I have here! =]

Feel free! The attic has parts and tires, and then there is stuff scattered around outside too! My wifey does make an occasional comment.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/21/2011 : 06:03:44
Nice grab rich! Those are workers for sure. I have to tell you, your garage is more full than mine, and I'll be sure to use this pic next time I hear about all the stuff I have here! =]

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