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 Powermax 4040

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powrmax Posted - 10/16/2011 : 19:25:03
It is a little dirty. Mowed one of my fields today and didnt have a chance to wash it. First thing on list tomorrow.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
powrmax Posted - 10/29/2011 : 21:16:01
Got the cat 0 three points cut off and welded cat 1 on. Iam working on gearing down the PTO. Will post some pics. My PTO does not hook the the engine, due to the engine swap to the 23 hp honda. so Iam goes to do some fab work and run a double pulley down to the drive shaft.
gomez15605 Posted - 10/18/2011 : 18:26:55
They must have used several different labels over the years.Powrmax's has white letters and Oldron's look red(click it and stick it has some with gold).Some said 4040 while others said 4041.The 9020s had some that said System 9020 while others said Powr Max. Bill

oldron Posted - 10/17/2011 : 22:59:22
My 4041 has it on the hood also

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powrmax Posted - 10/17/2011 : 21:08:45
I bought it from the origanl owner. I dont think he changed anything, besides the engine. tires are still original.
sammiefish Posted - 10/17/2011 : 20:47:06
that looks so clean now I know why you apologized for not
washing it... it looks VERY nice...
while im no expert.. ive never seen the "POW'R MAX"
label on a hood sticker
powrmax Posted - 10/17/2011 : 18:46:41
Iam going to cut the CAT 0 lift points off this weekend and weld CAT 1 on. I have many attachments, but cant mount them on my 4040 without alot of bushings and changing the pins.
midnightpumpkin Posted - 10/16/2011 : 22:22:25
Thanks for posting the pictures. Nice machine. Keep your eyes peeled for the rear PTO parts, they do come up on e-bay once in a great while.

John U
powrmax Posted - 10/16/2011 : 21:59:33

I wish the PTO was hooked up. Besides that, it is a good tractor.
1014211 Posted - 10/16/2011 : 21:26:02
Very nice. I work my tractors hard but I take care of them and don't abuse them. That is a very nice looking Powermax you have there.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/16/2011 : 20:46:06
Yeah, I feel guilty sometimes after all I put my little footdraggers through, but they always get cared for and keep on workin. That is a nice machine...I'd love something that size with a 3pt and PTO for some brushhoggin, boxbladin and heavier tilling. That big ol deck would be nice too....
powrmax Posted - 10/16/2011 : 20:28:02
They mow ok. I own a landscape company, so Iam used to a commercial mower finish. I use my powermax to mow some of my fields. It mows nice for that. The field I mowed today, the grass was about 3 feet high and wet. It mowed right thru it. The 23 hp honda makes it nice.
This is the seconf 1 I have owned. The first one was in really bad shape. I dont know how people beat there equipment up. I use my equipment, but I never beat it.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 10/16/2011 : 20:17:17
She look NICE! A little dirt desn't hurt now and then =]

I sure wish I could find one wihtin budget. How do they mow? Do they give a nice finish?

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