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gotthebug Posted - 07/30/2011 : 15:20:38
Going to pick up tomorrow. About 3hr.drive one way. http://mansfield.craigslist.org/grd/2521167120.html
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acdad Posted - 08/18/2011 : 06:41:45
I agree with you Josh on the Wheel Horse. I love the chrome hood ornaments they had too!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/16/2011 : 16:32:54
Since beginning to look at other tractors at shows, it is neat to see the direction some manufacturers took. The Wheel horses are polular as heck, but those early machines had frames that were simply parallel beams of angle iron. They look so simple, and frankly, flimsy. The hoods on the other hand are very cool and look extremely nice with the stamped name above the front grill vs badges, decals or paint.

I especially enjoy looking at how various brands attach implements to the machines. I prefer Simplicity/Allis in this area the most.
larry8200 Posted - 08/16/2011 : 11:12:04
Originally posted by sammiefish

i do like how the cubs made the front grill frame
cast front weight....
i bet the front grills on those cubs stay nicer
longer as i dont think hitting a tree with that would
do much to the cast!!

I have to agree with that, I was amazed the first time I saw those cast grills!

Course maybe the Cadet people run into trees a lot?? :)
sammiefish Posted - 08/16/2011 : 09:15:45
i do like how the cubs made the front grill frame
cast front weight....
i bet the front grills on those cubs stay nicer
longer as i dont think hitting a tree with that would
do much to the cast!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/16/2011 : 06:14:37
Great grab! Thanks for the pics...
briggs9498 Posted - 08/15/2011 : 23:02:32
Nice find
larry8200 Posted - 08/15/2011 : 21:51:52
Thats an awsome find, hope to see more pics!
Cvans Posted - 08/15/2011 : 21:45:13
Good catch! congratulations. I'd be hoppen at the bit to go get them.

gotthebug Posted - 08/15/2011 : 17:44:25
Sorry it took so long,just found out how to resize pics.

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/31/2011 : 19:13:13
pics? The ad was deleted and you're killing me =]
gotthebug Posted - 07/31/2011 : 18:34:53
Well got everything home without incedent,except sweating a couple gallons.Try to get some pics later on.
B-16_IC Posted - 07/30/2011 : 21:24:13
Nice package for the price! Looking forward to the pics of them at home.
gotthebug Posted - 07/30/2011 : 19:40:33
I figured 350 a peace,might have early b10 sold.Got someone looking for one.
larry8200 Posted - 07/30/2011 : 19:25:28
Get that cadet running and it would sell for $400 plus here. Tough to find them with decks not rotted out. Then keep the 10's. :)
ByronC Posted - 07/30/2011 : 18:39:36
You Dog!!! Nice find!

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