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larry8200 Posted - 05/14/2011 : 20:15:34
The best kind of attachment....

Is free, of course, mounts in seconds, and requires little or no mental activity from the operator. AND I got to spend an hour driving aimlessly around on my latest tractor, a six speed Sovereign. Runs great! The drum is reportedly filled with used motor oil and is very heavy.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ByronC Posted - 05/15/2011 : 20:23:37
3 years ago I borrowed a roller like that and pulled it behind my 716H Allis. Well, it was early spring and the yard was already growing so I started mowing while I was pulling the roller. My back yard has a valley and it was wet so the tires slung muddy water all over my 716. When I finnished, I used the water hose to rinse off the tractor and when the water hit the hydro, man did it steam. I could have cooked 10 eggs in it. Amazing that it didn't hurt a thing. Those Hydro's are almost bullit proof.
larry8200 Posted - 05/15/2011 : 11:47:29
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

I can't imagine rolling by hand! You need an odometer so you can report to us on your daily mileage! =]

I wouldn't roll by hand. Period. If it doesn't have a motor, (gas or electric) it's not for me. As for the daily mileage, thats in the same category as how much I spend on my tractors. TOP SECRET!!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/15/2011 : 11:25:04
I can't imagine rolling by hand! You need an odometer so you can report to us on your daily mileage! =]
larry8200 Posted - 05/15/2011 : 08:47:38
I haven't measured it, but I'd say 30". It's steel, and was originally a hand roller, the drawbar is a 36" pressure treated deck ballister with some metal plates bolted on and holes to pin it to the tractor, This was really a job for the 725, with it's 6" wide tires I think it's about 30" wide. The Sovereign is 38". But the point here wasn't to accomplish anything, just to run my newest tractor around. :)

Good use for used oil as long as the EPA dont bust you...

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/15/2011 : 07:51:25
Larry, how wide is it? It looks very small compared to the ones I've seen. Is it poly or steel? I haven't used my freebie yet, becuase of the hassle behind filling and draining it! =] That and my lawn is gravel with an inch of top soil over it....

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