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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 05/08/2011 : 20:11:51
Has a complete 42" blower w/ mechanical forward PTO & 2 link chains, that were held on bby enough bugee's to last me a lifefetime. Seller wanted $350. I gave $300 cash. Needed battery seat and tune up. Spent 2 hours cleaning it, another hour puttin a battery, seat, Plug, fuel filter and shutoff and it runs great. Pleasently surprised, I couldn't find any problem except the 2 speed belts need adjusting, though it works fine as is. Even the headlights work. I think I'm going to park my 36" tiller permenantly on this.

I've heard I'm single handedly causing a shortage around here, but I cant see it. Picking up a 97 Sovereign 19 Hydro w/ power steering tomorrow morning for my Dad, and the seller also has a nice 20 horse Sunstar...

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 05/09/2011 : 08:02:59
All my favorite RBT's have Briggs singles with the Delco S/G. And this 7016-6 I love already. When the time comes to thin my herd, The Kohlers are going first, then everything from my BIG TEN to this 7016 will have the same carb, starter and battery. Variable tractors are next on the chopping block, then geared. (excepting round hoods) If I get the tank in the 312 soldered today, that will be ready to work tractor # 12, with my 3212H & 63 B10 rebuilds only a month from completion, The time to sell is near. My 3416H, 3212H, BIG TEN, and 725 are keepers, so to get to around 6, 6-8 runners have to go. Tough decisions to make, I love em all, and really, they need to go to Simplicity people who know how to maintain them. They will of course be offered on the Forums first.

If this 7016-6 is as good as I think (time will tell) It's going to become my tiller tractor, making it keeper #5. Also, anything that say's "Sovereign" will get special consideration. :)
1014211 Posted - 05/09/2011 : 07:00:21
Yep, it's a 6 speed. I wanted one because the driveline is so much like the foot draggers. Only one system to learn and know in and out! As far as the actual tractor goes I have had no problems with it. The biggest issues have been with the motor, which if someone doesn't know what they're doing and does a crappy rebuild job no engine will live through that. So with the rebuilt motor in it now hopefully it will be good to go for a while. I mowed my neighbors yard yesterday and they hadn't mowed it all year and it quickly became too much for their tractor to mow. An hour and a half of hard mowing and it was fine. I wanted a 7010 or a 7016 because I do the love the 3 speed gearbox, especially with the hi-lo!
larry8200 Posted - 05/08/2011 : 21:27:21
Originally posted by 1014211

Good grief Larry, you aquire tractors faster than I collect meals!! Hopefully you have a little better luck with your 7016 than I have with mine? What is your serial number? Mins is 1929, I wonder how closely made ours are...

So, Your 7016 is a 6 speed Sovereign? I didn't know the 6 speed was a Sovereign till today.

I'm a little curious about your luck, I wonder how much time you have put into you 7016 compared to your foot draggers. I know your first love is FDT's There really isn't much difference in the driveline from a LL 2110 (first flathood?) through the 7000 series except the cone clutch, this HiLo and Sundstrand Hydro. And I think the 885-886 decks from the mid 70's are is good as any. Looks like my ser. # is 1486, a little earlier than yours. I dont have any expereince with this dual range 6 speed yet. But everytrhing on this looks good to go. The low speed belt does need the adjustment rod taken up, but I see how that goes, had limited time to put in it. Really wanted to work on my 3212H project today, but I couldn't pass this up when it was right on the way home yesterday.

I'll do a post when I go through the 2 speed pulleys, pronanly have to eat half (or more) of these words.

1014211 Posted - 05/08/2011 : 20:26:35
Good grief Larry, you aquire tractors faster than I collect meals!! Hopefully you have a little better luck with your 7016 than I have with mine? What is your serial number? Mins is 1929, I wonder how closely made ours are...

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