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SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/07/2011 : 22:00:53
Dad had to work today so I went to the sale to bid on it for him. 1967 Simplicity 707 Broadmoor. Its all original. Need to get a new battery for it. Came with the orginal manual, bill of sale, and bill for added on Simplicity head lights. How much you think we gave?

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/08/2011 : 23:13:29
Originally posted by larry8200

HAHA. I just created a new picture folder titled Broadmoors Yeomens Serfs, and pirating your pictures was it's first use!

lol I got enough small frames for that lol
B-16_IC Posted - 05/08/2011 : 22:59:39
All the original paperwork is priceless! Sure picked up a creampuff there, looks show ready.
SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/08/2011 : 22:32:12
375 (Deluxe tires with electric start) 707 Broadmoor with 289 rotary $666 plus $26.64 tax brings it too $692.64 minus a trade in of 87.64 brings it to a total of $605 on 4/25/67. Then on 7/1/67 the head light kit cost $18.72.
1014211 Posted - 05/08/2011 : 07:30:20
The cleanest tractor I have is the Yeoman I bought for my daughter.

1014211 Posted - 05/08/2011 : 07:08:45
That is great. That does look new! I love my small tractors. Good find.
snohiker Posted - 05/08/2011 : 01:21:10
that looks awesome i have two myself one almost as nice the other not so much but both are runners and mow and both have hi lo
larry8200 Posted - 05/07/2011 : 23:12:30
HAHA. I just created a new picture folder titled Broadmoors Yeomens Serfs, and pirating your pictures was it's first use!
larry8200 Posted - 05/07/2011 : 23:07:12
No, the shadows and shading are right, the first thing that gets fowled photoediting, then fuzzy or irregular edges. The picture reminds me of some of the staged pics Phil did with his precision die cast tractors, or the high oblique pic Wes took of his loader when it was first done. He wouldn't say but he had to have been standing on a truck or something.

Awesom score by the way, Yeo has kindled an interst in this class tractor for me. They're pretty neat. I decided a while back I wanted to add an old Broadmoor with a vertical S/G to my collection. A 727 maybe? 737? your 707 would sure do. LOL
SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/07/2011 : 22:47:47
That pic does look photo shopped for some reason but its not. I got the tractor. paid under 1k for it
SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/07/2011 : 22:41:24
lol well with a trade the bill of sale showed $606 and the light kit was 18.72 lol paid more than that for the mower lol
skunkhome Posted - 05/07/2011 : 22:26:06
Originally posted by larry8200

Oh come on now. Obviously you paid nothing, I can tell computer generated images when I see them.

I would guess you paid less than the bill for the headlight kit.

So, was it stored in a pressure tank filled with nitrogen or some other inert gas? Thats amazing. :)

Hermetically sealed envelope.

Did you bid on a tractor or those photos of a brand new tractor.
larry8200 Posted - 05/07/2011 : 22:19:04
Oh come on now. Obviously you paid nothing, I can tell computer generated images when I see them.

I would guess you paid less than the bill for the headlight kit.

So, was it stored in a pressure tank filled with nitrogen or some other inert gas? Thats amazing. :)

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