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larry8200 Posted - 04/29/2011 : 19:44:45
Well, all I had to do to get this running was put a battery and gas in it. Started right up and purrs like a kitten. Started cleaning and degreasing and removing paint from the chrome emblems. looking a lot better already.

I have a slightly beat up nelson can to put on it, a nice black wheel and I'll find the right expanded metal to make a new grill. Re-work the hood a little and I think it will be perfect un-restored.

Phill: Thanks for the info on how the hood works. When you open and close it correctly it works great, when you dont, you fight...

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 15:09:14
Originally posted by cschmidt62

Thanks Larry, I don't care what those other guys say about you, your a nice guy...lol.
Are you still looking for grill material, I can measure mine and look it up. Since I have worked 30 years as a sheet metal engineer I should be able to spec it out for you.

This is a close up of a 725 grill claimed to be original, it's made of .040 aluminum, I didn't get the size of the "vents" but I can. I have a friend with a precision sheet metal business and he could make it on the CNC turrett punch press. I would have to at least pay for a custom stamping tool, which wouldn't be cheap.... Now if I could find 20 people who want one....

cschmidt62 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 14:26:00
Thanks Larry, I don't care what those other guys say about you, your a nice guy...lol.
Are you still looking for grill material, I can measure mine and look it up. Since I have worked 30 years as a sheet metal engineer I should be able to spec it out for you.
larry8200 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 13:29:16
Chris, I'd be happy to post some close up pics of it's original 19D & wireing, look for a new post. (19D engine pictures?)

Clint, sure hope you get your 725, I'm delighted with mine. I'll be watching for news.
cschmidt62 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 09:37:54
Larry, does your 725 have the origional engine in it? I have a 63 B1
that the PO had taken the point assembly off of, I would love to see some pictures of the wire routing of the points.
larry8200 Posted - 05/01/2011 : 16:21:47
Originally posted by cdeal28078

I love it! Been looking at one myself lately and after seeing yours I will have to fight for this one. It is involved in an estate right now. My father in law loved collecting older garden tractors. This one still has the deck and from what I remember the deck and tractor are in great shape cosmetically at least. You will be my motivation.

I hope you get it! There is much already I love about this design, from the Hoods hinging, seat/fender support setup, glass sediment bowl on the tank, room to get at the driveshaft, room to get at everything!, the filler neck that doesn't stick through the hood, the 19D that purrs....

I had a nice black wheel and new low back seat for my 3212H resto, but I didn't like the seat on it, and decided to use it's original round wheel, so I put them on the 725. The original seat is really too nice for a working tractor. I think I'll sell it to someone putting together an all original show tractor.

cdeal28078 Posted - 05/01/2011 : 15:41:53
I love it! Been looking at one myself lately and after seeing yours I will have to fight for this one. It is involved in an estate right now. My father in law loved collecting older garden tractors. This one still has the deck and from what I remember the deck and tractor are in great shape cosmetically at least. You will be my motivation.
B-16_IC Posted - 04/30/2011 : 22:59:08
I sure do hope to find one someday. Looks like you found a nice one!
ASEguy Posted - 04/30/2011 : 18:42:34
Looks like a new penny!
acb10_64 Posted - 04/29/2011 : 23:16:49
Love those narrow rear tires! Hope to have one of those myself someday. Maybe you can add me to heir list!
larry8200 Posted - 04/29/2011 : 21:23:43
Originally posted by acdad

Looks great Larry. What years is that? There is a former Simplicity dealer who still runs a hardware store up here and he has 2 perfectly unrestored 725's complete with cyclops lights but wants crazy money for them.

It is a 63, I would dearly love to come by an original "cyclops Light" for this, but being as I paid $200 for the tractor, I'd probably have to pay about the same for the light.
acdad Posted - 04/29/2011 : 21:03:12
Looks great Larry. What years is that? There is a former Simplicity dealer who still runs a hardware store up here and he has 2 perfectly unrestored 725's complete with cyclops lights but wants crazy money for them.
1014211 Posted - 04/29/2011 : 20:26:03
Nice Larry, it cleaned up pretty good! Sounds like it's more reliable than my 15 year younger Sovereign has been lately! :(
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/29/2011 : 19:53:05
When I had mine, I was suprised that they went away from the tilt-up hoods. It was a nice design, and would have been better with some more user-friendly adjustments.

That looks great Larry! I love it, just love it...best addition to my your collection yet!

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