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1014211 Posted - 04/25/2011 : 10:45:23
I switched the front tires/wheels this weekend from the skinnier set to the nicer painted wider set, mostly because I'm sinking in when driving through my soaked lawn! But those nicer rims make the tractor look so much better.......

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Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/26/2011 : 19:33:35
Yup...the water runs green when I wash my left rear. The rim is dingy, and on machines I've picked up, can be pitted to the point of leaking. I"ve never had a problem with the front right, but I could see where it would get nasty, always leading the way through the taller, uncut grass.
1014211 Posted - 04/26/2011 : 07:00:12
Funny you mention that Phil, when I mow with my 2110 the left rear tire is green! My 7016 isn't as bad, maybe having the 48inch deck on the 7016 gets the clippings further out than the 42inch deck?
skunkhome Posted - 04/26/2011 : 06:43:07
Because of the rotation of the mower blades we always found that the outside of the right front and left rear wheels as well as the inside of the left front always stained and rusted due to the grass clippings.
Cvans Posted - 04/25/2011 : 23:27:39
Would it help to put more air pressure in the wide tires? I know it does on my loader tractor.

larry8200 Posted - 04/25/2011 : 23:07:31
Yup Nice looking rims make a HUGE difference. And it seems like onlt 1 rim gets really nasty and looks like a black eye. I have 3 large frames with narrow front tires and I love them. Unfortunatly I live on the edge of a spring fed beaver bog, And parts of my lawn are too soft to drive on with narrow tires except late summer and when the ground is frozen. I really wanted to go with narrow front tires on my 3212H, but decided I just couldn't
B-16_IC Posted - 04/25/2011 : 22:56:49
That sure is one clean tractor! After going to narrow tires on my 700 series for mowing, I don't wanna go back! It's pretty light on the front, haven't noticed it cutting in, suprising with my spring-fed front yard.
skunkhome Posted - 04/25/2011 : 21:13:33
My Johnny Bucket loaded with 250# of sand was extremely hard to steer and I was afraid I was going to break something. With the tri-ribs I can steer with one hand on a full load.
1014211 Posted - 04/25/2011 : 16:37:59
I can only imagine how hard it would be to steer with the wide tires and a loaded FEL! I am grateful for my dad's JD5150 with power steering. That would be a bear...
skunkhome Posted - 04/25/2011 : 16:10:49
yeah, everyone kept telling me how much easier it would be if I got skinnier tires. I did not discover for my self until just a few months ago what they were saying. Now if my ground spent 3 months out of the year under snow pack and went through freezing a thawing deep down I would have to start the season each year with wide tires.
1014211 Posted - 04/25/2011 : 14:16:44
I don't call it steering, I call it "direction suggesting" or "bicep building"! Seriously, I loved the thinner tires, it feels like power steering compared the original wide tires. The thinner ones will be going back on as soon as the ground allows. I have to mow around some rows of trees and the wider tires really give you a workout!!
skunkhome Posted - 04/25/2011 : 12:42:47
How is you steering with those wider tires.

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