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larry8200 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 19:35:47
It's going to have custom decals, Orange and ivory paint, a old style wheel, halogen work lights and probably carlisle multi-tracs. But this is the general idea. I need a barn....

I am really getting sick of people who put LT battery's in these, would have had it running today if the cables weren't chopped.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/23/2011 : 22:26:26
As i always say to you larry I love those old flat hood Sovys. I wanna get one
acdad Posted - 04/23/2011 : 21:26:22
Very nice Larry. Its also nice to actually see your driveway and lawn again. I almost didnt recognize it without 4' of snow on it!
1014211 Posted - 04/23/2011 : 09:44:27
I like how that stack looks Larry........
ByronC Posted - 04/23/2011 : 07:17:01
Hey, if you jack that house trailer up another 4~5 feet, you can park a few under it and save more money to buy more Simplicity's.... :)
larry8200 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 23:45:17
Originally posted by skunkhome

I'll come. Send me the airline ticket. I suppose you will have tools.

Tools a plenty, fresh out of them airliner dohickeys though....
skunkhome Posted - 04/22/2011 : 22:38:31
I'll come. Send me the airline ticket. I suppose you will have tools.
larry8200 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 22:33:07
It's called Pole barn, pole barn, pole barn,.... has no walls, just concrete piers and posts. will have a crushed stone floor, and if I can find some heavy canvas tarps the right size, walls of sorts. All kinds of improvement are possible later. Trusses and metal roof, looks like 14' X 36. I'd like 30 X 40 but I have deal on a set of used 16' trusses.

Since people are starting to call my home a Simplicity museum, I think a barn raising for the collections home by Simple Allis fans would be awesome. I think at least one would come.....
skunkhome Posted - 04/22/2011 : 22:19:44
Good Lord Larry, you have it bad. Our GTA support group just is not working for you at all. What is the function of the wooden block under the hood .?
If they have a personal property tax in NJ you are in serious trouble. You need to be able to hide all those tractors from the auditor.

You need to host a barn raising day. Being a cabinet maker you will probably have to put your blinders on and just allow the walls and roof go up. Now repeat after me, "It's called rough carpentry. It's called rough carpentry. It's called rough carpentry. M mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".
acb10_64 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 19:47:29
Looks good Larry. Sucks about them cables. I like the last pic. How do you get into your shop?? Just wade through that army of tractors?

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