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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/21/2011 : 13:03:21
Im trading my 416 to B-16 IC for this lot. A B-207, B-207 E i believe(anyone know about the running boards on it?), Yeoman 647?(last model made) 728, parts 707, and a homesteader thats not pictured. Also getting alot more parts, decks, and a snowblower. I know im missing grills for the 207 E and Homesteader. Sounds like a good deal to me. What about you? I know alot of you guys a Large frame guys, but im not a RBT kind of guy.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SimplicitySwede Posted - 05/01/2011 : 01:21:56
I sat on the complete B-207 to see how that seat felt lol I love the big AC sticker on the seat of the 416. When you start workin on the 416 let me know
B-16_IC Posted - 04/30/2011 : 22:41:49
So far I have looked through the pile of receipts that came with the 416, like you said, interesting! Fun to see the maintinence done throught the years. I have also sat on it, I felt kinda foolish, but it weren't the first time. I think I might fall for the 400 series yet, of course I haven't driven it yet. But it sure looks neat in the garage.
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/28/2011 : 23:12:18
Heres some pics. I wish it would dry up so I could paint my 2010. Started messin with the 707. Gonna put an engine on it and just drive it around. For some reason the the B-207 and 728 files are too big to up load. So dont have pics of them yet. The las pic is the Yeoman tank lol anyone know what it is off?

SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/26/2011 : 22:16:40
Nice meeting you too Rich. Didnt get home till about 2:30 AM . If the 3212 gets tired of seeing the 416 ill take the 3212 of your hands lol Heres a couple pics. Ill get better ones when I can. If I lost parts on the way home i wouldnt know with all the stuff I got lol. Rich if you ever wanna get rid of the 3212 let me know :)

B-16_IC Posted - 04/25/2011 : 22:47:51
Here is what the edge of my drive looked like early this evening.

I took this pic a couple hours later, I've been robbed!

Oh well, I have more space around here now I guess.

Jared, it was nice meeting you guys. I hope the trip home treated you well. Have fun with those little buggers, should keep you out of trouble for a few weeks anyway.

As for the 416 Allis, to it I say, welcome to the mess!

The 700 series is keeping it's back turned on it for now, not sure it was ready for a new sibling. The B-10 is too worried about it's own situation to care at this point.
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/25/2011 : 13:03:26
About to Leave Rich. See ya soon lol
B-16_IC Posted - 04/24/2011 : 22:31:45
Everything is gathered together awaiting your arrival! With all of them in a row it starts to look like a WHOLE lot of iron! Looking forward to meeting you, hope the weather behaves!
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/24/2011 : 12:14:23
my ideas have been going like crazy since i got the pics lol
B-16_IC Posted - 04/21/2011 : 22:32:35
It's a good deal for me for sure. Sick of seeing them sit here being ignored. Drives me nuts seeing things go to pot because of neglect, especially my own. I got rather intoxicated on them a few years ago, for some reason they came at me from all directions for about a month or so. I only ever used the Homesteader some, with the tiller and with a mower deck. I feel a bit like a horse riding the jockey on it, even though it never complained. I will be keeping one wee one around for finer mowing chores, and lawnroller duty, some places a large frame is a bit much.

This deal will make some room around here and make me feel better knowing they are in better hands. As for the 416, I used to think they were ugly, but the more pics I see of the fine examples around here and the more I look at the poor 410 I have torn down I'm developing an attraction. I still have not driven a shuttle, I'm looking forward to trying it. Had a 712S here some time ago but it left in a trade for an engine I was needing before I could get around to cleaning it up. Every trans and chassis combo has a place they are superior, I want to have tractors of all trannys to use for different tasks. Good excuse huh?
SimplicitySwede Posted - 04/21/2011 : 21:44:22
Originally posted by skunkhome

Well that is why Ford stopped making all their cars painted black. Different things appeal to different folks. If you both are happy it was a good deal.

Thats why Chevrolet :) out sold them back in the day cuz more of a color variety
olcowhand Posted - 04/21/2011 : 20:44:51
I like RBT's, but at the same time, a "non running 416" for all that! A no brainer for sure. And like Phil said, if both you guys are happy, that's all that matters!
sammiefish Posted - 04/21/2011 : 20:27:24
well, Im sorry you didnt get the 3/400 bug... BUT ok ill get my own agenda outta the way...
looks like you got a GREAT collection in exchange for your non running 416...
sounds like you made a great deal
i gotta find a deal like that...!!!!

seems like you are getting SICK..
skunkhome Posted - 04/21/2011 : 18:16:23
Well that is why Ford stopped making all their cars painted black. Different things appeal to different folks. If you both are happy it was a good deal.
1014211 Posted - 04/21/2011 : 17:42:07
What a haul! I like the small tractors. They can still do a ton of work yet don't take up much space to store! :) Like Freddie said, that is a good ratio!
freddie Posted - 04/21/2011 : 15:21:30
one for five, you bet. go for it.

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