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larry8200 Posted - 04/20/2011 : 23:46:43
WOW, 12 hour day and $100 for gas but it was waorth it.

$200, 3410S from original owner. Garaged whole time, never used for anything but mowing. They replaced it with a JD because they wanted something they could put a snowblower on.... Has 885 deck, 2 link chains, original manuals (2) and reciepts for repairs done (just s/g and carb) Needs a battery and tuneup.

$175, AC 312 from original owners son. only used to mow untill 2 years ago when the deck fell apart, was stored in a barn that fell down from the snow last winter. He was going to scrap it, then decided someone could probably do something with it and put it on CL instead. He tossed in som 12 volt plow lights, an antique 8 horse leaf blower that runs, and a pair of aggs on Simplicity GT rims. Needs a battery and tuneup.

They are both about as nice as 38 year old mostly original GT's can be. HEY!!! I'm starting my barn next week, anyone want to help???

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acdad Posted - 04/22/2011 : 15:36:54
I agree with Josh. I never did like them, especially with those big round headlights smushed inside that narrow top of grille and never liked the seatpan and fenders either. Now I know they are "all Allis" as Phil has stated, there might have to be an acquisition some day!

- Chris
1014211 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 14:30:52
Phil, I can't get one before you do! You have a history with them! Besides, it looks like the ones out there are being snatched up! :)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/22/2011 : 12:46:09
Originally posted by 1014211

I didn't realize those 300/400's were that big compared to the large frame RBT's. That hood is quite a bit higher! Now you got me wondering if I should start looking for one of those! Yeah right.

I know...I've ignored them for years...always thought they were too ugly to be functional, I guess. I guessed wrong...
skunkhome Posted - 04/22/2011 : 12:26:37
Jon, you gotta have one just for the sake of history. It is a true Allis design and built. They feel a lot different to drive.
1014211 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 12:22:38
I didn't realize those 300/400's were that big compared to the large frame RBT's. That hood is quite a bit higher! Now you got me wondering if I should start looking for one of those! Yeah right.
ASEguy Posted - 04/22/2011 : 09:08:40
I REALLY like the looks of that Allis 310. Do you go door to door?
B-16_IC Posted - 04/21/2011 : 22:46:49
You did REAL good there! If you were in the 'hood I'd bend a nail or two for you, even have some expierience doing that. I'm curious if you know what the old car is in the background pic nine? Reminds me of a Ford Anglia, but not sure.
3414HDuval Posted - 04/21/2011 : 09:06:45
larry, you have sooooomuch stuff one of these days this summer im gonna drive up to u with cash in my pocket and im gonna have to buy some parts!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/21/2011 : 06:05:09
You better not be kidding about that barn...you need one more than anyone I know!

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