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T O P I C    R E V I E W
freddie Posted - 04/20/2011 : 18:38:41
picked this up for $50.00 ten miles from home. and it runs.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
freddie Posted - 04/21/2011 : 11:40:38
it was from a friend of mine. the city was getting on his case and needs to clean up his yard. so he gave me dibbs on it. he pulled with it last year and got 4th place with it. idont need a ather round hood, but if i must. i might sell this one.

the engine is not factory its from landlord 68 if i remember.
acb10_64 Posted - 04/20/2011 : 22:26:44
Nice find! That's definitely a good price for a runner!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/20/2011 : 21:35:11
I've had my eye on a B1 for a month or so now...It's been sitting outside since I can remember (we moved here about 3 1/2 years go) Just last month, he moved a dumpster he had in the yard, beside about 15 pushmowers, just enough to reveal what it was...a B1 with an orange mower deck. He must work 2nd shift because he's never around when I pass on my way home from work, though I have spied him a time or two on the weekend....

I'm hoping that might be my $50 jewel....
1014211 Posted - 04/20/2011 : 21:20:42
I have never been lucky enough to score a nice one like that. Congrats. Looks really good!
B-16_IC Posted - 04/20/2011 : 21:18:13
Nice! Did you know it was there for some time or did it catch you by suprise? Never know what might be hiding close to home.
skunkhome Posted - 04/20/2011 : 20:58:03
freddie, nice score but yu guys need to stop rubbing it in so bad.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/20/2011 : 19:47:39
Yeah, it looks like a newer motor...that's a great snag Freddie...I cannot find a $50 tractor, they're pretty rare. (AND it's runner to boot!)
acdad Posted - 04/20/2011 : 18:46:04
Very nice! Is the motor original to the tractor? (just curious as I thought they were yellow in a B-10 early)

- Chris

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