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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 21:21:43
At one point I wanted a tractor for backup, then I wanted a tractor for every attachment. Problem: All the tractors I find have 3-4-5 attachments, so every time I buy a tractor I have to buy at least two more tractors.... Well I'm dropping all pretense, I WANT MORE TRACTORS!!!!

So, 2 hours ago I made a deal for a nice 3410 with a 42" deck for $200

I just got off the phone making a deal for a second tractor right on the way. For less than $200...

What do you think?

What can I say, I'm on a roll.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 04/27/2011 : 22:01:41
Originally posted by ASEguy

Larry, you know 13 is an unlucky number right?

Hmmmm... I only know one way to fix that.
ASEguy Posted - 04/27/2011 : 07:21:24
Larry, you know 13 is an unlucky number right?
B-16_IC Posted - 04/21/2011 : 22:49:00
Originally posted by acdad

Now there is a million dollar idea......a cement mixer for rear pto! I would love one.

I've often wondered if it's been done, an easily portable batch mixer would be super handy.
acdad Posted - 04/20/2011 : 22:21:21
Now there is a million dollar idea......a cement mixer for rear pto! I would love one.
larry8200 Posted - 04/19/2011 : 21:21:56
Originally posted by acdad

Geeze Larry, you made out awesome. You better reinforce that new pole barn roof pretty well after the last winter!

Fortunatly I haven't started it yet as it's size requirements have doubled since my original plan. was 10 x 14, then 12 x 16 now at 14 x 32. Got 25 14' trusses, a big pile of PT timbers, and enough strapping for a metal roof. Time to get some sonna tubes and concrete. Where's that cement mixer attachment?
acdad Posted - 04/19/2011 : 20:28:05
Geeze Larry, you made out awesome. You better reinforce that new pole barn roof pretty well after the last winter!
larry8200 Posted - 04/19/2011 : 19:19:42
Originally posted by freddie


LOL, I cant man, I just cant, I almost wish I could, but nope... I remember you have a big trailer, yes? I think I should have a tractor show here, I'll send you home with a full load man!

This could do a show with another half acre out front.

freddie Posted - 04/19/2011 : 14:06:28
larry8200 Posted - 04/19/2011 : 10:27:44
Originally posted by sammiefish

the muffler is different than what you would find on any of the
other allis kohlers... this is one that the bracket fits the cub...

Insert Image:

Thanks Chris! That would work nicely.
sammiefish Posted - 04/19/2011 : 10:03:14
the muffler is different than what you would find on any of the
other allis kohlers... this is one that the bracket fits the cub...

Insert Image:
B10Dave Posted - 04/19/2011 : 00:30:59
Larry; you are a sick sick man. The only cure is to sell all that metal lawn art you have recently collected and retire to Fla. where you can drink cold beer sitting in a lawn chair on a gulf beach. No internal combustion engines or garden tractor implements allowed. P.S. I'll give you 10 cents on the dollar for all your old yellow, orange and white junk you have laying around in your yard!!! Just trying to help a fellow old iron nut. B10Dave.
B-16_IC Posted - 04/18/2011 : 23:48:32
You didn't get hurt on either of them! You are on a serious roll, it would take me quite a while to find the amount of treasures you have brought home recently.
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 22:54:34
Originally posted by sammiefish

that 312 is in nice shape... even the rear end of the fender is
still straight... usually someone has krinkled the middle by
hitting something or standing on the side fender...
you can still get almost the right muffler for it... but with
cub mounting bracket... you would have to modify the mount to make the
new ones work... about $35 (which is better than just before they went NLA)
while those pepper pot mufflers work good when they stick out like that
they are a hazard... just ask my snow gear after i pushed my tractor
out of some snow this winter...

dont forget to grease the Ross steering box... if that lets go its a real pain...
you dont want to have to remove the steering wheel.... the plastic breaks easy...

Thanks for the advice! I have a K301 so thats nothing new, but everything else is. Probably have plenty of questions. It's supposed to run nice, he has the tank out trying to clean it. All it ever had was a mower deck, which rotted out. But even if I never use it for anything but pulling a dump cart, it will still be a nice addition to my collection, probably never run into another.
sammiefish Posted - 04/18/2011 : 22:29:24
that 312 is in nice shape... even the rear end of the fender is
still straight... usually someone has krinkled the middle by
hitting something or standing on the side fender...
you can still get almost the right muffler for it... but with
cub mounting bracket... you would have to modify the mount to make the
new ones work... about $35 (which is better than just before they went NLA)
while those pepper pot mufflers work good when they stick out like that
they are a hazard... just ask my snow gear after i pushed my tractor
out of some snow this winter...

dont forget to grease the Ross steering box... if that lets go its a real pain...
you dont want to have to remove the steering wheel.... the plastic breaks easy...

larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 21:49:10
Originally posted by skunkhome

I'm green with envy!

And you'll like this too...

The 3410 is a shuttle.

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