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 Sneak Peak from Connecticut

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larry8200 Posted - 04/17/2011 : 23:37:00
Harvesting some "Yellow Gold" from CT and absconding to NH with it!!

Counted 6 attachments and a cab.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ByronC Posted - 04/23/2011 : 07:29:56
Originally posted by larry8200

Byron, Thankyou for your most generous offer and advice. Can I be stored with them?

Oh... Why the Hell not... You might be disappointed in the lack of snowfall here in Kentucky... But as long as we can get them all restored and buy more.... It will be FUN!!!!!! lol

I only have 4 Lawn tractors. 416, 716, 620, and a 720. I've got the big machines, you've got the rest!!!! Woooooo Hooooooo

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larry8200 Posted - 04/22/2011 : 19:23:37
Byron, Thankyou for your most generous offer and advice. Can I be stored with them?

Chris, The Windstar brought home the first 8 of my collection, but after 12 years and 160,000 miles on rural NH roads, It is now ready to be put out to pasture. It's services will be missed, even though 1 large frame and 5 attachments was the most I could ever cram in it!
acdad Posted - 04/22/2011 : 15:44:17
Hey Larry, I bet you are glad you got that truck and trailer, I bet you would have had a heck of a time with your Windstar bringing that awesome load home on one trip......(although the Windstar probably had a luggage roof rack!)
ByronC Posted - 04/22/2011 : 13:20:19
When the government finds out you own all those tractors, they'll find a way to TAX you to death.
Your ether running a large lawn care business or a Simplicity/Allis-Chalmers Museum that they don't know about!!!!

If you get into trouble, you can store those at my place for free.....
Richard L. Posted - 04/18/2011 : 23:32:17
Your 3212H sounds about like the 3112H I have. Been sitting out under a tree a long time waiting for somebody to rescue it. My other Sovereign 3212H is my favorite of all tractors, just really like the looks of it.

I don't usually check the NW part of Ct. because there's so much going on over here in the middle and eastern ends but there are some deals to be had up there.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/18/2011 : 21:00:00
Some day I'll have an FDT Hydrostat...

Around here, if the price isn't a rip off, I've found that if I don't get on the horn within an hour, it's gone...
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 20:03:57
Originally posted by adamf203

I'm from CT. What part of the state did you steal that from?

Forget the name off the top of my head, but the town is in NW CT on RT 8 5 miles from the MA border.

And by "steal" I assume you mean you wish you got there first... LOL well it was on CL NW CT for 3 days before I emailed seller.
adamf203 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 19:31:10
I'm from CT. What part of the state did you steal that from?
freddie Posted - 04/18/2011 : 17:50:00
wooooow your making me very jelous larry
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 16:37:41
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

It looks like all the others are surrounding and ready to pounce on the rookie tractor... =]

The 210 & 212 didn't have the wedge...that's what I thgouth it was. Looked like you had teh inverted key hole too, another 210 charactaristic. Does the tractor have the 110/112 cutout in the hood exposing the battery and gas tank?

Its got a cutout in the hood alright, with a hinged panel. Custom though (sawzall).
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 16:33:17
Originally posted by Richard L.

They don't have enough tractors up in NH to keep you occupied? I keep a pretty good eye on the available inventory down here and never saw that one.??

I've got the nice original 3212H with hydrolift too. Those woodgrain dash and side decals are original and the last year of the top model in that style and if they can be preserved would be nice. The 3112H had a black dash, not sure on the battery and gas tank sides but they were different. I've got the woodgrain gas tank side decal in decent shape but the battery side was missing from mine. I think they have a different slant with the bottom being slanted towards the front. I tried getting some made from one of the vendors on eBay but they didn't have a decent original decal to copy. If you've got decent ones at least try getting some pictures.

Actually, 1 out of 4 of my tractors was found in NH So no, there aren't enough in NH. Also, most of CT is way closer than say, Berlin, NH

My 3212H, while still all original (except seat) sat outside uncovered for at least 10 years and only one decal in very poor shape has any hope at all. I take 50 plus pictures a day and probably have about that in "Before" shots, more than enough for Corey at clickitandsticket.com to mak reproductions.

When I wanted to get into footdraggers I decided I wanted a 3212H w/ power lift - Sovereign 3212H - King of FDT's.
larry8200 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 11:56:34
Going to do posts on both the 3212H & B210 and try to answer all questions.
acb10_64 Posted - 04/18/2011 : 10:31:18
Nice find Larry, as always! What's gonna follow you home next? Perhaps you should become a Simplicity dealer
Richard L. Posted - 04/18/2011 : 10:09:05
They don't have enough tractors up in NH to keep you occupied? I keep a pretty good eye on the available inventory down here and never saw that one.??

I've got the nice original 3212H with hydrolift too. Those woodgrain dash and side decals are original and the last year of the top model in that style and if they can be preserved would be nice. The 3112H had a black dash, not sure on the battery and gas tank sides but they were different. I've got the woodgrain gas tank side decal in decent shape but the battery side was missing from mine. I think they have a different slant with the bottom being slanted towards the front. I tried getting some made from one of the vendors on eBay but they didn't have a decent original decal to copy. If you've got decent ones at least try getting some pictures.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/18/2011 : 08:33:46
It looks like all the others are surrounding and ready to pounce on the rookie tractor... =]

The 210 & 212 didn't have the wedge...that's what I thgouth it was. Looked like you had teh inverted key hole too, another 210 charactaristic. Does the tractor have the 110/112 cutout in the hood exposing the battery and gas tank?

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