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 310s and a dozer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tclark Posted - 04/17/2011 : 19:33:51
well i knew a guy that had a couple 310s and a 314. so i called him up and asked to come look at them and possibly buy one. i went over today and looked at all three and made him an offer. while he was thinkin about it we were lookin at a little dozer in the back corner of his shed. he was talkin about fixin the dozer and using it around hie small farm. so the next offer i made was i will take all four the three tractors and the dozer and bring you the dozer and one of the tractors back whichever one you want and weel call it even and he agreed so here is what i ended up with the dozer is under the tarp andthe one in the front on the right side is going back to him as well as the dozer.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sammiefish Posted - 04/21/2011 : 20:23:09
keep us posted!!
very interested in you projects...
be well!!
Tclark Posted - 04/17/2011 : 22:31:53
i dont know about the cat ill have to get some pics tomorrow it has a brinley singlpe bottom plow that was on it when i loaded it so i have to try that out too
Cvans Posted - 04/17/2011 : 22:09:23
That's neat. You get the fun and two tractors to boot. Bet you can't drive the little cat just once!
Tclark Posted - 04/17/2011 : 21:26:10
yes phil your correct im gonne fix on of the tractors and the dozer and return them then i get a 310 and a 314
acdad Posted - 04/17/2011 : 20:46:25
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

Hmmm....this could be the haul of the week..if I understand it right! =]

Need to see that dozer too!!

I agree with Josh on both statememts! Nice deal!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/17/2011 : 20:09:10
Hmmm....this could be the haul of the week..if I understand it right! =]

Need to see that dozer too!!
skunkhome Posted - 04/17/2011 : 19:59:48
I am not sure I understand the deal. Are going to repair the dozer and tractor and give them back in exchange for the others? So your getting a 310 and 314.

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