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 3 Belt Blower on Big 10

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 02/16/2011 : 16:08:47
Just wanted to see what shape it was in, excellent just like the rest. Took an hour to mount it and check it out, then ran it for about 45 minuites. Everything here is packed snowbanks and ice, couldn't give it a fair tryout. But seat time is seat time, especially when it's a nice seat!

I can see where these blowers could get annoying.... Sickle bar is next, wonder how it will do on icecicles?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 02/16/2011 : 19:26:44
Originally posted by acdad

Larry, Sure is a nice looking machine and I could never get sick of looking at it. My Grandfather gave me his Big Ten back in the late 80's and I had if for years but sold it for lack of a place to store it....wish I still had it.

Do you have to get off the seat to engage the 3-belt style by using that short lever in the front? Where the single belt is engaged from the seat. I do like the drift or bank cutters on that style that leave a nice crisp edge when the snow is higher than the blower is.

Now you need a square hooded RBT B-series to keep your Big Ten company.

Thanks, it hasn't taken much to spruce it up, just re-painting the white on the chute, dash,and rims would make this look terrific.

The short lever is how you start and stop it, and NOT from the seat. The drift cutters, unfortunatly are only as high as the sides of the newer styles....

A Simplicity 3212H with hydrolift (HB212?) is going to have to suffice for company, at least for now..
acb10_64 Posted - 02/16/2011 : 18:55:57
Looks good Larry. Thanks for the pics!
acdad Posted - 02/16/2011 : 18:10:41
Larry, Sure is a nice looking machine and I could never get sick of looking at it. My Grandfather gave me his Big Ten back in the late 80's and I had if for years but sold it for lack of a place to store it....wish I still had it.

Do you have to get off the seat to engage the 3-belt style by using that short lever in the front? Where the single belt is engaged from the seat. I do like the drift or bank cutters on that style that leave a nice crisp edge when the snow is higher than the blower is.

Now you need a square hooded RBT B-series to keep your Big Ten company.

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