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simplicityman Posted - 02/14/2011 : 19:42:19
does anyone know where i could find the top pulley its off the center shaft of a 42" deck it has three bolts through it instead of one i think it would be easier to find hens teeth
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
freddie Posted - 02/15/2011 : 19:05:54
42" deck 3 bolt mandrel or just the pulley. i have both.
skunkhome Posted - 02/14/2011 : 23:55:27
Try www.sandylakeimp.com Or call Brenda in parts toll free (888)252-0656
larry8200 Posted - 02/14/2011 : 20:37:04
From Simplicity. Sounds like you have a 990885 deck. Here is the operation/parts manual for it.


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