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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 02/09/2011 : 20:40:35
Had to get the runners uncovered and "running" they all started right up, despite 12 degree high today.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 02/13/2011 : 10:15:53
Gambrel roof is supposed to shed snow..... So much for that theory.
ASEguy Posted - 02/13/2011 : 08:00:04
I love your fleet Larry. Looks good.
larry8200 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 13:31:49
Originally posted by QTOWN7116H

Hmmm...an unused snow cab next to the shed. Any chance you'd part with it? I'm looking for one for the 7116.

Just got the cab 3 weeks ago, it's been too cold here to work with the aging vinyl on it
QTOWN7116H Posted - 02/11/2011 : 12:34:53
Hmmm...an unused snow cab next to the shed. Any chance you'd part with it? I'm looking for one for the 7116.
acdad Posted - 02/11/2011 : 06:52:19
Gotta love the loyalty these older machines give their owners.
B112 Posted - 02/09/2011 : 21:24:14
Good point larry! I was praying for no more snow due to the roofs. Most people don't hear (as told to me from folks out of state), but Connecticut had a period of a few days where about three roofs a day were caving in. I'd turn on the news in the morning and they kept adding a new building. I'd hear about a roof or two on the national news, but they didn't quantify how many roofs actually were falling in. One town over I think lost about 3 or 4 buildings. Upstate they lost at least 5 to 8 from what I've heard. There may be more than 12 roofs that collapsed, I just don't know. I have A-Frame roofs in VT, so I usually don't worry. My sheds up there have never collapsed. My biggest concern is getting to the Cover-It before any amounts get on that. That would just be a mess. Fortunately in some of the biggest storms 50% of the snow fell off. We're almost out of the woods where I live, we also got less snow than the rest of CT. Though we had our records along with the rest of CT.
larry8200 Posted - 02/09/2011 : 21:11:33
It's not fun having 2 plus feet on the roofs when the biggest storms historically come in late Feb/March. Had 5' on 4/1/2001 and finally shovelrd. Fortunatly all my roofs where made for heavy snow.

I keep hoping the steel gambrel shed (pic 5) will collapse, but I dont think it's going to.
B112 Posted - 02/09/2011 : 21:03:36
Larry, it looks like your having too much fun. When I see that much snow in CT, it's not fun. Unfortunately my parking driveway areas are not as friendly to manage. I need bigger equipment (and more time to fix!) Great job clearing all that!

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