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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SimplicitySwede Posted - 02/03/2011 : 20:47:27
Here is my Yeoman ,my B-207, and my 416 That needs and engine rebuild that i might sell. My Landlord is being restored right now.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SimplicitySwede Posted - 02/13/2011 : 14:26:32
Ya only thing i know that is missing on it is the right side deck guard
skunkhome Posted - 02/13/2011 : 10:19:21
Originally posted by ASEguy

Nice Pics. Thanks. Pardon my lack of knowledgs. What's the lever on the mower deck for?

Height adjuster. Nice feature!
ASEguy Posted - 02/13/2011 : 07:56:36
Nice Pics. Thanks. Pardon my lack of knowledgs. What's the lever on the mower deck for?
simplelife Posted - 02/03/2011 : 22:17:42
Sharp Yeoman and I love the look of the Ags on it!

Welcome to the site!
gearhead19 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 22:02:16
Jared i like your hay trailer, where did you get your axles??

sammiefish Posted - 02/03/2011 : 21:54:10

That is a nice Allis Chalmers you have there!!
the 3/4's have a pretty stiff ride...
many dont like it...
maybe you should send yours my way.. . : )

by the looks of it yours may be an early 400
the seat changed later... that seat is
similar to the 300 deluxe seat that i have seen
on other early 4's...
would you be willing to share the serial #
I sorta keep track of this stuff..

BTW, you'll want to pay special attention to the
mower deck around the front near where the brackets
bolt to the deck shell... they all rot right there if not
properly taken care of!! (actually, on the left side
of the bracket is the worst ... grass sits there...)

... more pics of the project 416!!.. : )

1014211 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 21:42:48
I love the Yeoman! You didn't take it from my garage, did you? I bought this for my daughter and it looks just like yours!

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I like your cart better though! Welcome to the site.
larry8200 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 21:39:29
Welcome Jerod, that 416 looking pretty good!
skunkhome Posted - 02/03/2011 : 20:56:51
Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy. If I had a 416 it would be the last to go.

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