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larry8200 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 12:49:06
I think he's about 5'-6"

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 02/03/2011 : 19:50:04
I was thinking Jose had that flesh eating bacteria, the snow should slow it's spread until he can find treatment. That is after he is done with the back yard, and the flower beds! Where on earth did you find him? Don't see them around here, ocassional lawn jockey, or gnome, but no deep southerners in yards.
sleepy Posted - 02/03/2011 : 19:33:57
Well as long as Sarge has opened it up I would say just take to the closest Catholic Hospital and tell them he is from South America. The other option is to take to the local Democrat Headquarters and tell them he is an undocumented Democrat and they will give him a house and money, and fix him up.
oldsarge Posted - 02/03/2011 : 19:30:37
A "lawn jockey" for the 21st century.The "PCs"will be after us now!!!LMAO
acdad Posted - 02/03/2011 : 16:33:06
Holy cow Larry! I hope you are thinking spring.
larry8200 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 15:56:50
Originally posted by Coach John

Only a "free" mason. Just had to.

You think he's worthy of a Knights Templar?
Coach John Posted - 02/03/2011 : 15:53:20
Only a "free" mason. Just had to.
larry8200 Posted - 02/03/2011 : 14:43:50
Actually, we couldn't take him to the ER without a green card, maybe we can find him a mason?
superbinder Posted - 02/03/2011 : 14:25:27
He has an ice pack on it. It's good now
Cvans Posted - 02/03/2011 : 13:18:31
Must be in a lot of pain with that broken ankle

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