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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 01/24/2011 : 16:48:01
Warmed up to zero today, to cold for anything but a little show and tell. All 5 are solid running workers. Favorites are first, and of course get the most "work".

3416H: Forward PTO, Lights, Electric Lift, Electric Winch, Weights and Chains, 48" Mower Deck, 42" Snowthrower, 42" Dozer Blade, 36" Turf Groomer, Dump Cart, Snow Cab

BIG TEN: Lights, Hi-Lo, Chains, Stinger, 46" Sickle Bar, 46" Dozer Blade, 42" Mower deck, 36" 3 belt Snow thrower.

7013S: Forward PTO, Rear Lift, 42" Mower Deck, 42" Snowthrower, 36" Roto-Tiller

3310V: Re-Powered with 15 horse

7112H: Chains, 48" Mower Deck, 42" Snow Plow

And of course the future runners:

3212H with hydrolift, 6216V w/ 48" deck, 637 Yeoman (Serf?), Wheel Horse LT 1100 w/38" deck (running)

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acdad Posted - 01/27/2011 : 15:07:14
Awesome. Thanks for the info and will have to go get some especially if they grab good in the snow as I am having some slight front end sliding due to 41 year old wider turf tires like what are on your 3212 in above pics.
larry8200 Posted - 01/27/2011 : 11:37:38
Originally posted by acdad

Very nice looking fleet. What tires are on the front of your 3416H? I like the fact that they look rounded in sides like the original turf tires that came on the B112 and B212's (and of course the 12hp Simplicity models).

- Chris

They are Carlisle Turf Saver II. 2-ply, fairly decent weight rating. Got them last summer from Wal-Mart for $20 each. The second picture the original Turf savers were still on it. They Turf Saver II's are great so far, I dont know how they will be when worn in. The "tits" are still on them, grabs good in snow.
acb10_64 Posted - 01/24/2011 : 19:55:18
Thanks for the pics Larry! Looks like you are ready for the next storm!
acdad Posted - 01/24/2011 : 18:57:51
Very nice looking fleet. What tires are on the front of your 3416H? I like the fact that they look rounded in sides like the original turf tires that came on the B112 and B212's (and of course the 12hp Simplicity models).

- Chris
1014211 Posted - 01/24/2011 : 17:08:46
Nice bunch. Keep 'em runnin!
oldron Posted - 01/24/2011 : 17:02:33
Nice looking herd!

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