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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 01/17/2011 : 10:48:10
These pics are from the CL add, it's actually looks much better. I'll post more pictures when I get it mounted.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acdad Posted - 01/18/2011 : 20:20:24
Cant wait to see it on your machine. You will love having a cab!
B-16_IC Posted - 01/17/2011 : 22:15:49
Fine purchase! Looks good and sound for the price, even orange and white! Get that on and your seat won't need cleaning off first before blowing snow! You'll start warmer and end warmer.
larry8200 Posted - 01/17/2011 : 16:21:59
Looks like it will fit with little or no modification, going to have to be warmer than 10 degrees though. May be a while...

BUT, Had to travel less than 100 miles and got it for $100.

freddie Posted - 01/17/2011 : 15:29:18
Way to go. You're going to love it

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