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larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 18:58:43
Took less than 30 minuites to get the "minimum" cleared. It was only 18". I have to remember to leave the tractor closer to the steps!

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 01/13/2011 : 20:09:03
Originally posted by acdad

Originally posted by skunkhome

I think I would park it in the den and drive it through the double doors.

And how long would it be before you got divorced, Phil?

Well who is Larry trying to please? If my wife's choice was let me park in the den or get shoveling I'd bet I'd get to park it in the living room.
acb10_64 Posted - 01/13/2011 : 19:41:10
Larry, I guess you're getting all the snow this season! I think if i added up all the snow we had so far it wouldn't add up to 18"
Nice work!
freddie Posted - 01/13/2011 : 18:13:50
and where are them gophers when you need them
acdad Posted - 01/12/2011 : 21:20:12
Originally posted by skunkhome

I think I would park it in the den and drive it through the double doors.

And how long would it be before you got divorced, Phil?
3414HDuval Posted - 01/12/2011 : 21:08:16
larry your in New Hampsure right? im in CT and we today got 24 inches! in some areas it was over 3 feet!
and my tractor lives in the garage(: just drive it on out, allthough she still dosent like to start!
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 20:46:15
Originally posted by skunkhome

I think I would park it in the den and drive it through the double doors.

If you do, make sure to get pictures, PLEASE!!!
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 20:44:30
Originally posted by simplelife

Not too bad.. 20 minutes to clear path to tractor, 10 minutes to clear drive!

Took me 5 minutes with a broom to clean the front walk of under 3".

It was more like 50/50, keep meaning to park it right at the base of the stairs, wouldn't even get any cardio excercise out of it then.
skunkhome Posted - 01/12/2011 : 20:36:49
I think I would park it in the den and drive it through the double doors.
simplelife Posted - 01/12/2011 : 20:34:32
Not too bad.. 20 minutes to clear path to tractor, 10 minutes to clear drive!

Took me 5 minutes with a broom to clean the front walk of under 3".

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