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larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 06:45:12
And this operator claims he can multiply as fast as my Simplicity's have been.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 22:26:24
Originally posted by B112

I bought some tractors from a home dealer and he told me his trick where he bought the tractor covers from Ocean State Job Lot for outside storage. His trick included advising me he'd park them on pavement and all his tractors came from under the covers in excellent shape. Still I like mine as indoors as I can get them.

Outside covers dont work, but storing them inthe den is worse!
B112 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 21:52:36
I bought some tractors from a home dealer and he told me his trick where he bought the tractor covers from Ocean State Job Lot for outside storage. His trick included advising me he'd park them on pavement and all his tractors came from under the covers in excellent shape. Still I like mine as indoors as I can get them.
B-16_IC Posted - 01/12/2011 : 20:19:38
Originally posted by simplelife

Originally posted by freddie

parking brake, whats that

Cement block, stone, or block of wood!

In the winter it is the snow plow! Otherwise turn wheel hard left.
skunkhome Posted - 01/12/2011 : 18:51:53
I just bought a new parking brake rod and assembly for my B112 today. I like have everything working. Some PO removed the entire assembly.
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 16:58:39
Originally posted by freddie

parking brake, whats that

Brakes are what we learned about watching Fred and Barney drive, and the reason we love FDT's so much!

I'm very lucky! At 6'6" my legs are long enough so I can brake on a RBT!!!
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 15:33:39
Originally posted by simplelife

I don't know. He looks like a fair weather operator to me. Looks like he requires a sunbeam and them he might be prone to fall asleep at the wheel!

Well, this is how he left it!

simplelife Posted - 01/12/2011 : 14:54:29
Originally posted by larry8200

And this operator claims he can multiply as fast as my Simplicity's have been.

I don't know. He looks like a fair weather operator to me. Looks like he requires a sunbeam and them he might be prone to fall asleep at the wheel!
simplelife Posted - 01/12/2011 : 14:52:35
Originally posted by freddie

parking brake, whats that

Cement block, stone, or block of wood!
freddie Posted - 01/12/2011 : 14:08:56
parking brake, whats that
1014211 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 13:00:28
My six speed is on the left....
Falky Posted - 01/12/2011 : 12:41:41
Wow nice machine mine is a shuttle and the parking brake lever is the same but on the left hand side
larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 11:02:01
Originally posted by Falky

Larry have you changed the parking brake position ? I see a hole where the parking brake is on mine but no lever in that position. If this is so please give me information I don't like the parking brake on my 416. thanks David

My Simplicity Hydrostatic Running Board tractors have the parking brake on the right. My Running Board Shuttle and Variable gear drives have them on the left.

But even if your 416 is a hydro it's not going to look anything like this, my 7112H.

larry8200 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 10:46:29
Originally posted by 1014211

Maybe he can in number, but what about volume? Can he produce 700 pounds of kittens for each of the tractors you've acquired? If he can, he is KING!!!

No sign of him, looks like this is a going to be a job for the snowblower anyway. Hope he keeps out of the way.

The blade is only 18" tall.

Falky Posted - 01/12/2011 : 10:31:13
Larry have you changed the parking brake position ? I see a hole where the parking brake is on mine but no lever in that position. If this is so please give me information I don't like the parking brake on my 416. thanks David
1014211 Posted - 01/12/2011 : 10:10:10
Maybe he can in number, but what about volume? Can he produce 700 pounds of kittens for each of the tractors you've acquired? If he can, he is KING!!!

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