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gearhead19 Posted - 01/09/2011 : 15:01:00

I have been looking for a snowblower for my 300/400 tractors for many years, I foud this one this fall about 20 miles from the house. This baby is like brand new with the original belts (I think). I used it for the firt time this week-end with good results. I can't believe how much faster it is than a plow......


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ASEguy Posted - 01/20/2011 : 19:27:55
Dan, That's a beauty!
1014211 Posted - 01/11/2011 : 12:14:50
Ryan, thanks for the photos and how to, I may be duplicating that! Both you and gearhead have some very nice snow-movers!
dodgeman Posted - 01/11/2011 : 11:09:58
Thanks for the information gearhead19, will try to post pictures soon.
oldsarge Posted - 01/11/2011 : 00:38:33
Oops,I thought you were talking about gearheads rotator.LOL 78 Granada left rear,I think.My motor is nestled where the original mtg hole is in Ryans picture.The winder drum is vertical.I very seldom adjust the upper chute,but boy that rotater helps keep me DRY!!!
gearhead19 Posted - 01/10/2011 : 21:00:38
Thanks for all the comments guys! Ryan what a great idea, I will be duplicating the wheel set-up on mine next summer. Oldsarge I will be making a spout rotator for it as well, did you use a r.h, or l.h side window motor? Dodgeman My front ag tires are 16x6.5x8 I will pm you the E-bay store wheni find it.. Mack thanks for the download link....

Ryan Posted - 01/10/2011 : 19:38:27
1014211: For the wheel mounts; I used a 1/4" plate and welded a 1/2" bolt through it and bought push-mower wheels with 1/2" bore. I did re-enforce the sides of the blower-housing and tied each into the cross brace that runs across the back to provide better support. Seems to be tough enough although this is only its 2nd winter.

freddie: The chute angle is powered off the hydraulic system I added to the tractor, as it is only a gear-drive trans. The chute rotation is much the same as the setup used by oldsarge. That was a cheap and effective mod!

freddie Posted - 01/10/2011 : 19:34:59
Originally posted by acdad

Great find on that Blower gearhead. It does look brand new.

Freddie.........I like your sense of humor!

Ryan.....great idea on the wheels for gravel driveway. Is that a 100 or 200 series B you have there?

thanks, acdad. thats only 2 sence of humor, the other 98 i keep in the bank
freddie Posted - 01/10/2011 : 19:31:20
i did some digging, and found this from biggie rat
acdad Posted - 01/10/2011 : 19:22:25
Great find on that Blower gearhead. It does look brand new.

Freddie.........I like your sense of humor!

Ryan.....great idea on the wheels for gravel driveway. Is that a 100 or 200 series B you have there?
dodgeman Posted - 01/10/2011 : 16:44:05
Hey Gearhead19, that is a very good looking tractor and blower you have there,I would like to know what size of front tires and wheels you have there? I would like to put that type of tire on the front of my AC 416s. Any information will be greatly appreciated thank you.
oldsarge Posted - 01/10/2011 : 14:34:51
I think his chute is still hand operated.I built an electric one using a mid-70s Ford power window motor and some rudimentary welding.Plumbing strap holds it right where the drum attaches to the blower,add an electric lift and the only thing I still need is a cab!!!
freddie Posted - 01/10/2011 : 11:35:29
now ryan, i take it that the chute is ran off the hydro tranny. i think the guys would realy like more picks of your whole set up here.
looks like a real nice rig.

gearhead19, nice find on the blower, congrats and enjoy.
sammiefish Posted - 01/10/2011 : 08:57:13
That is nice looking!! great find!
Mack Posted - 01/10/2011 : 06:22:57
Nice score on the thrower.

Here is the manual for it.
1014211 Posted - 01/09/2011 : 18:39:14
Holy crap what a setup! Is your cute even run by hydraulics? I have never seen that! That is an awesome setup, I might have to think about this now! Any closeups of the wheels would be awesome, thanks Ryan!

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