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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 01/06/2011 : 20:11:23
Even though it pisses me off at least once every time I touch it...

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 01/07/2011 : 16:59:24
Originally posted by freddie

my dad always told me, work smarter, not harder.

my point is. if you like to take the chains on and off. you might as well get a 2nd pair of tires with/without chains. just a thought.

my B110 is used for snowblowing and thats it. i have a machine set up for every task at hand, just so i dont have change things.
lots easyer just switching to different tractor. but thats me.

AND THIS LOVE/HATE thing with the big ten, it will pass. you will fall in love with the FDT

The wheels/tires on my 7112H always have chains on them. Bought the chains already on them.

Maintaing extra tractors for each attachment is way more work than switching attachments. Part of Simplicity's philosophy has always been ease of switching attachments

The "hate" portion with the Big 10 is 90% PO's work and 10% a hood that bolts on. The chains were so rusty and dirty they stretched 2", and that is one of the smaller ones. However it's a 45 year old machine and doing great for that.

No question about it, I love the Big 10.

The three footdraggers I now have are creating quite a list of excellent reasons why RBT's rule.
freddie Posted - 01/07/2011 : 12:35:12
my dad always told me, work smarter, not harder.

my point is. if you like to take the chains on and off. you might as well get a 2nd pair of tires with/without chains. just a thought.

my B110 is used for snowblowing and thats it. i have a machine set up for every task at hand, just so i dont have change things.
lots easyer just switching to different tractor. but thats me.

AND THIS LOVE/HATE thing with the big ten, it will pass. you will fall in love with the FDT
larry8200 Posted - 01/07/2011 : 12:18:24
Originally posted by freddie

put them on when the tire is flat, tight. then put air in them and you will never have a problem. point blank, thats wher people go wrong.

That wouldn't have worked untill the heavy rust is warn off.

Letting the air out has pro's and con's. For example I've had tires with tubes in them suck the valve stem into the rim when deflated, more thsn once. And both these tires have tubes in them.

I also like to take the chains on and off a lot, and once I get them fitted peoperly I have no problem.
B112 Posted - 01/07/2011 : 11:39:54
Originally posted by larry8200

Even though it pisses me off at least once every time I touch it...

I got one of those! Heck that's a good looking machine.
Cvans Posted - 01/07/2011 : 10:32:42
Like Freddie says. Works for me and I don't use any straps. I probably won't be taking mine off again as the 7118 is now the designated blower tractor.
sleepy Posted - 01/07/2011 : 00:34:39
If it makes you mad just send it my way. I would love to have a yellow toy and I would not even cuss at it. lol
freddie Posted - 01/07/2011 : 00:02:32
put them on when the tire is flat, tight. then put air in them and you will never have a problem. point blank, thats wher people go wrong.
larry8200 Posted - 01/06/2011 : 23:06:44
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

That's an awesome machine...I can't imagine getting mad at it! =]

And I love your new profile picture by the way...clean up that yellow dozer in the spring, and that line up shimmers!

Not mad at it, me maybe,

2 weeks ago the chains were tight as a drum, running them has cleaned the rust off and now they are "loose as a goose"

Chains SUCK

The Big 10 IS like a
larry8200 Posted - 01/06/2011 : 23:00:32
Originally posted by skunkhome

And how long have you been feeling that way?

Bout it being my favorite or being pissed at it? Or Both?
skunkhome Posted - 01/06/2011 : 21:58:11
And how long have you been feeling that way?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/06/2011 : 21:53:29
That's an awesome machine...I can't imagine getting mad at it! =]

And I love your new profile picture by the way...clean up that yellow dozer in the spring, and that line up shimmers!

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