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ATF Posted - 10/24/2010 : 19:54:14
It was very close. I won it in the last 7 seconds, for 112.69, now to ship it, I'm figuring on a 100 bucks with my freight company, So 212.69 for a nice tiller, not bad. It's missing the idler pulley, but i took a chance that would be a easy/cheap find. Gosh I hope I didn't snipe anyone on the bid.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ATF Posted - 10/25/2010 : 22:34:40
Originally posted by B112

ATF/Mike- I believe the idler pully for your model tractor is much easier to make than any of the other rear PTO styles. If I am correct your Mid-PTO is clutched and you add a pulley onto the frame to make the belt clear the seat. The belt runs from the mid-PTO to the rear of the tractor. I'm not an expert on those tractors, I only had two and sold them off or traded them fairly fast. When you get it setup, please tell us about your installation and show us it in action.

Yep, yep, and yep, I'll sure post pictures and installation, I cant wait Now I'll have the Simplicity 7016H with 48 inch front blade, rear hitch, wheel weighs, electric lift, and roto-tiller, The Ariens GT14 Hydro with 54 inch front blade, rear 3 point lift, and 44 inch roto-tiller, all operated by 1100 lb hydraulic lift cylinder. Next comes the attachments for the Massey 1450/1650's, I have 4. I'm thinking of buying another Ariens GT20H or a Bolens GT2000 Duratrac, also looking at a Cub Cadet 782D diesel. So what should it be A, B, or C, lol
B112 Posted - 10/25/2010 : 21:02:03
ATF/Mike- I believe the idler pully for your model tractor is much easier to make than any of the other rear PTO styles. If I am correct your Mid-PTO is clutched and you add a pulley onto the frame to make the belt clear the seat. The belt runs from the mid-PTO to the rear of the tractor. I'm not an expert on those tractors, I only had two and sold them off or traded them fairly fast. When you get it setup, please tell us about your installation and show us it in action.
ATF Posted - 10/25/2010 : 20:53:03
Good to know, so far he has done some extra things I hadn't anticipated, I I let him know I appreciated it. I figure about 110.00 to ship. That will bring it to about 225.00 without a idler pulley. I can more than live with that, since my chances of ever finding that tiller around here are nil, and every other simplicity tiller I've seen went for 250.00 before shipping or travel expense.
B-16_IC Posted - 10/25/2010 : 20:44:38
Good price, and a good seller. I bought a pair of side panels from him couple years ago, showed up better than expected and quicker!
1014211 Posted - 10/25/2010 : 08:28:04
$12.69 would have been something! Still wasnt bad at all for the real price either though.
ATF Posted - 10/24/2010 : 20:14:07
Ha, I just edited the post, It was 112.60, not 12.69, hopefully you saw that in the listing, and didn't think I stole it, lol
B112 Posted - 10/24/2010 : 20:10:20
That was a good deal.

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