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 Picked up a Wonderboy 575

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MarksA-C Posted - 10/23/2010 : 19:53:44
Back at the Oak Creek tractor show a guy came up to me and asked me if I might be interested in a old simplicity wonderboy. Said it was in great shape, his dad bought it new, been sitting in the shed since his dad died almost 30 years ago. Finally went to go look at it and the guy was a little upset over its condition. Lots of surface rust over everything.

After a good tour of the old farm and all the cool machinery, I asked what he wanted for the wonderboy. He asked for an offer. NO! Not the dreaded offer! I said how about $60? "Oh no no, thats too much" WHAT?!? haha Made a deal at $40 and was loading it in the truck when he handed me the original book for it too!

So here are a few pictures of it. Some after a quick cleaning and scrubbing. It doesn't run yet, points might need attention and compression seems low. I'll drop a little oil down the cylinder to see if that helps out a bit. Tires still hold air too

32" mower and all 4 hubcaps

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 06/29/2015 : 07:37:04
Nice find! I'm looking for one also.
Ryan Posted - 06/28/2015 : 15:24:55

I finally tracked down a Model 14 engine ( from a walking tractor ), and it already runs smoothly. Unfortunately I don't have my 575 with me to check the fit.... as the engine 'seems' rather large in comparison to the engine-cover I remember....it is roughly 16 or 17" tall.

terdybukrat Posted - 09/01/2012 : 19:21:56
BIG word of advise...natural inclination when wanting to slow down is to pull the joystick back towards you. Only problem is that speeds it up. Nearly took out a fairly new HVAC unit when I did that when mowing with my Wards version (pics in the earlier post).
Ryan Posted - 08/26/2012 : 21:37:04
Thanks Kindly! Now I just need to track one down.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/23/2012 : 12:01:51
They came with a Briggs Model 14 L-head. Model #1433xx. I had one that had a swapped in 142xxx, and visually, they were identical (I had the original 1433xx also.

I actually just looked at a real sharp one today on my lunch hour, at auction. Everything looked great, but someone yanked the rope free of the starter. Had a nice, operating, 32" deck, hubcaps, original seat cover and original owner's manual for tractor and deck. There were fresh green grass clippings all over it, so I assume it was running and mowing.
Ryan Posted - 08/22/2012 : 17:56:46
I"m looking to get on with the resto of my 575. Can anyone confirm the correct engine model # ? I can't seem to figure it out, and I want to be sure I'm hunting for the correct engine.

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/28/2011 : 15:22:35
Just found a pair, complete. One is a runner...any idea what a fair price would be?
Ryan Posted - 03/28/2011 : 14:27:43
Any chance you can confirm your engine's model# etc? I have a 575 as well, but no engine and I would like to know that I am looking for the correct replacement.

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/25/2011 : 12:03:16
I've always liked those...and I'm impressed with it's condition. It looks like a keeper!
tractorjoe Posted - 03/25/2011 : 11:00:52
ha. it would be tempting to change the pulley ratio on that thing. Maybe you could put some wings on it, the controls are similar.
terdybukrat Posted - 03/25/2011 : 09:50:52
So, how did this critter come out? I picked up a Wards twin recently. Looks like yours is in excellent shape!

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Simplicity_728 Posted - 10/24/2010 : 16:26:38
Its possible the rings are stuck from sitting
oldsarge Posted - 10/24/2010 : 12:40:38
As I remember,you pull back the stick after selecting a gear to make it go,then stick left or right to steer.
freddie Posted - 10/24/2010 : 12:09:19
so how do you steer that. push, pull for right and left?
simplelife Posted - 10/24/2010 : 12:00:03
They were definitely a neat machine. They always reminded me of a "mini" Allis G only with a joy stick.

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