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 Lights on the 3414

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3414HDuval Posted - 10/19/2010 : 19:32:50

havent posted in awhile because the tractor hasent seen much fun except mowing, blowing threw belts like there a pice of string, finally got some lights not name brand nothing expencive but very bright and ready for late snow nights!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ATF Posted - 10/23/2010 : 07:55:36
Originally posted by 1014211

I may do that ATF, and if I get hung up even with your good instructions here I'll PM you. Thanks!

No problem, I can also send pictures
1014211 Posted - 10/23/2010 : 07:46:35
I may do that ATF, and if I get hung up even with your good instructions here I'll PM you. Thanks!
simplelife Posted - 10/23/2010 : 07:44:43
Originally posted by 3414HDuval

i went to walmart anfd got what was on sale 11.99 those sure are cool to go through the woods with at night!

I like those and the price sounds great! As I am always one that chooses function before fancy, it looks like they fill the bill nicely.
ATF Posted - 10/22/2010 : 22:10:29
Originally posted by 1014211

I found some square ones, are these the ones your talking about? They are $16.99 a piece, the round ones are $12.99. Those would be cool to replce the OEM ones with....


Yep those are the ones, the height is perfect, the length is about a inch long, but no matter, you need to cut off the bolts that hold OEM lights on, their staggered high and low, drill two new holes centered and use round head cap screw, 1 1/2", I think, you'll need some rubber spacers, two different sizes to adjust the angle to the proper field of vision, bigger spacers (1 inch)on the inside bolts, small grommet washer on the outside bolts, THEY ARE BRIGHT
thepatriot Posted - 10/22/2010 : 21:24:10
Good to see her running again!
3414HDuval Posted - 10/22/2010 : 15:40:34
i went to walmart anfd got what was on sale 11.99 those sure are cool to go through the woods with at night!
1014211 Posted - 10/22/2010 : 11:53:49
I found some square ones, are these the ones your talking about? They are $16.99 a piece, the round ones are $12.99. Those would be cool to replce the OEM ones with....

ATF Posted - 10/22/2010 : 08:16:17
Originally posted by 1014211

My 7016 lights (newer style in hood above grille) are DIM. I may have a grounding issue I need to look further into. Especially since it is my only tractor with lights! :)

Just install halogens from harbor freight 12.99, there great and can you say BRIGHT, let me know if you get them and I'll tell you how to install them
1014211 Posted - 10/22/2010 : 07:01:06
My 7016 lights (newer style in hood above grille) are DIM. I may have a grounding issue I need to look further into. Especially since it is my only tractor with lights! :)
ATF Posted - 10/21/2010 : 22:26:32
I think I saw the pod lights for sale at Grote.com
skunkhome Posted - 10/21/2010 : 21:49:57
I took off bug eyes and installed the pod lights even though I had none of the seal beams to go in them.
acdad Posted - 10/21/2010 : 21:05:48
I guess the "bug eye lights" (as my best friend calls them) is one way for the FDT's to rub off on your RBT's. Although, I'd love to get my hands on a 900 series some day!
ATF Posted - 10/19/2010 : 21:11:50
Originally posted by acdad

Dont shoot me for saying this, but I like those lights better than the 4 little OEM factory lights it came with new.

My little 4 OEM lights are GREAT, only way I'd replace them is with 4 inch LED. The Halogens on the 7016 are like Xray vision, I cant believe you can keep those lights on the tractor, I'd be afraid the brush along my fence line would tear them off. Of course now I'm getting rid of the brush.
larry8200 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 21:02:02
Originally posted by acdad

Dont shoot me for saying this, but I like those lights better than the 4 little OEM factory lights it came with new.

I sure wont shoot you, because you are right!
acdad Posted - 10/19/2010 : 20:56:44
Dont shoot me for saying this, but I like those lights better than the 4 little OEM factory lights it came with new.

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