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 Bolens Plow conversion is now ORANGE.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 12:03:30
After I had it all working, there was this green thing hanging off the front of my tractor, couldn't have that. And then there was snohiker's fine adaptor rails that were already starting to rust. Now I need to figure out hoe to angle the plow from the seat!

I think this is going to make my all original 7112H look a little shabby. Well, I know how to fix that!

I know my "SIMPLICITY" stencil is the wrong font and seen better days. Oh well.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ATF Posted - 10/19/2010 : 21:13:28
Mine came Black from factory, that's what color I'll paint mine
larry8200 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 20:18:53
Originally posted by 1014211

Man that 7016 looks good, I really got to get the hood painted on mine.

Thanks, It's a 7013S, Clean, with fresh paint on the hood and front rims. The hood took me as much effort as to wether to paint it or not, and how, as it was to paint it. b
B112 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 19:48:27
Looks good to me!
snohiker Posted - 10/19/2010 : 19:39:56
Originally posted by acb10_64

Looks great as always Larry! Those Bolens plows sure are beastly. They look to be twice as high as my plow for the Allis, at least by looking anyhow.
So Snohiker made the adapter rails? Did he make the lift attachment point too?

i just made the rail adapters i think the lift is stock.. larry that looks awesome
larry8200 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 15:54:06
Originally posted by freddie

WOW great job larry. that looks so much better. gota love fresh paint. did you use spray cans? or a gun to paint it?

I used to try to match the paint and sprayed everything with ny CS 9000 HVLP system. Simplicity's paint doesn't match, and they used different shades anyway. Since these aren't show machines I gave up, and am much better off for it.

Rustoleum Rusty Metal Primer, 12 Oz. spray can $3.96
Rustoleum Orange enamel, 12 Oz. spray can. $3.96
Krylon Ivory Gloss Acryllic enamel 10 Oz. spray can $2.88
Colorplace Black Acryllic enamel 8 oz. spray can. $0.96 (thats right)

The plows paint was in decent shape, so I scuffed it up nice and sprayed it. 1/2 can black, 1 full can orange.

Since I almost always am painting something, I always use the cans up. No waste, No cleanup, Looks great.
freddie Posted - 10/19/2010 : 15:37:11
WOW great job larry. that looks so much better. gota love fresh paint. did you use spray cans? or a gun to paint it?
1014211 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 15:09:51
Man that 7016 looks good, I really got to get the hood painted on mine.
larry8200 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 14:24:24
Originally posted by acb10_64

Looks great as always Larry! Those Bolens plows sure are beastly. They look to be twice as high as my plow for the Allis, at least by looking anyhow.
So Snohiker made the adapter rails? Did he make the lift attachment point too?

My Simplicity dirt blade is 14" high, the Bolens is 18", but looks like it's a LOT taller. Both are 5 position 42".

The only modification to the plow is 2 bolt holes in each rail to hold the adaptor rails, take them off and you could put it right back on whatever Bolens it was made for. I'm using a cable to lift it.

acb10_64 Posted - 10/19/2010 : 14:04:49
Looks great as always Larry! Those Bolens plows sure are beastly. They look to be twice as high as my plow for the Allis, at least by looking anyhow.
So Snohiker made the adapter rails? Did he make the lift attachment point too?

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