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 Tried to kill myself with weed cutter

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1014211 Posted - 10/13/2010 : 18:16:22
Well, we have a hill in the back that our septic tanks are burried in and we were going to build a retaining wall but ran out of funds when building. So the weeds love it. So do the bees. My youngins got stung one too many times, so i put the cutter back on (thought I was done for the year) and drove up the hill to mow it down. i don't think it looks very steep in the photo, but when I was looking up at the weed cutter above my eye level sitting in the seat I suddenly got the feeling I was about to be under the tractor. And with those 4 spinning blades I figured, probably not a good idea. With the tires loaded it had unbelievable traction and kept digging in. oh well, I earned a fan for my heroics. you can see the tracks in the middle of the photo.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1014211 Posted - 10/15/2010 : 07:01:52
I was going to make a crack about big ears cant be from me because I'm accused of never hearing the Mrs.! But I won't. :) And these things are too loud not to protect my ears. The little tractors at idle I don't worry too much about, but the bigger ones for sure. It wasn't running when he was on it but he must have just wanted to be like dad...
ATF Posted - 10/14/2010 : 21:22:04
Originally posted by 1014211

Those ears come from Stihl :)

Some of the best, glad to see your taking care of them.
1014211 Posted - 10/14/2010 : 07:57:02
Those ears come from Stihl :)
ATF Posted - 10/13/2010 : 23:00:20
The boys got mighty big ears. From your side or the wife side? Oh heck I couldn't resist
oldron Posted - 10/13/2010 : 21:38:23
Originally posted by skunkhome

It's always good to be able to talk about it.

Yes very good!
skunkhome Posted - 10/13/2010 : 21:20:17
It's always good to be able to talk about it.
B112 Posted - 10/13/2010 : 18:44:04
That is not a good story. Don't do that... again. I'm moving up in tractor size lately... I'll be showing my new machine at some point, I want to get it moving first. (saying I can only imagine saftey first!)
olcowhand Posted - 10/13/2010 : 18:26:35
Why did you attempt that?.......well because it was there! lol We've all learned our limits with our machines, and we won't likely forget either will we! Try finding your limits with a 16,000lb tractor pulling 30,000lbs of manure! I think I had as much crap in my pants as I did in the slurry tank!
Handsome young operator on that tractor! My young operator is now 30yrs old...my does time fly!

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