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larry8200 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 14:30:46
What a perfect afternoon!

The object is to get rid of this patch of blackberry's that I haven't picked in years, and see how close I can get it ready for grass seed without using a rake. This is packed with roots and small rocks, I went 50' or so down my curcumference road as well. I want it mowable someday. A good solid test of the tiller. All the equipment worked perfect. The tiller came with the shuttle, but is going to end up on one of the hydros. As it worked out, the Sovereign only got to observe today. I intende to haul the brush to a burn pile, but I just pushed it out into the woods.

10 Minuites with the dozer blade, 45 minuites with the roto-tiller

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 10/12/2010 : 08:14:26
Originally posted by ATF

Great looking bunch Larry, I ordered my rear PTO pulley today, we'll see how the Ariens tills, still looking for my Simplicity tiller.

I would be interested in what the tines are like on the Ariens, Simples have longer tines with much more curve than most. I think so that it pushes the tiller up instead of jamming on roots etc.

You dont have any trees or rocks there, do you? Roto-tiller heaven!

1014211 Posted - 10/12/2010 : 08:07:52
Originally posted by 1014211

OK, I have an 8" pulley on my 2110 so it crawls pretty slow in 1st. Sounds like mine works about like yours, several passes on each area does it up pretty good.


i have a 10" on my 2010 and it crawls nice and slow. thats the biggest you can put on there.

Yes, I didn't want to go with the 10" pulley because I do alot of work with the tractor a good distance from where its stored. I was afraid it would take me as long to get to my work area as it did to do the job! :) I think the 8" is a great compromise, at leat for what I do with it.
ATF Posted - 10/12/2010 : 07:46:13
That first picture IS really funny, it's like the tractors are looking over their victim, getting ready to attack or pounce, I guess they did, :)
larry8200 Posted - 10/12/2010 : 07:34:24
Originally posted by acb10_64

Looks good Larry! How deep does it till about?

I think it goes 6", but I think I got about 4" there.
ATF Posted - 10/11/2010 : 21:38:56
Great looking bunch Larry, I ordered my rear PTO pulley today, we'll see how the Ariens tills, still looking for my Simplicity tiller.
acb10_64 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 20:00:40
Looks good Larry! How deep does it till about?
freddie Posted - 10/11/2010 : 19:45:28
Originally posted by 1014211

OK, I have an 8" pulley on my 2110 so it crawls pretty slow in 1st. Sounds like mine works about like yours, several passes on each area does it up pretty good.

i have a 10" on my 2010 and it crawls nice and slow. thats the biggest you can put on there.
larry8200 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 17:45:47
Originally posted by dense1


Picture #2 looks like they are waiting for the command to CHARGE!!!!

Respectfully Doug.

Allis the girl for me.

And CHARGE they did!!! Thanks
dense1 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 16:45:30

Picture #2 looks like they are waiting for the command to CHARGE!!!!

Respectfully Doug.

Allis the girl for me.
1014211 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 15:20:07
OK, I have an 8" pulley on my 2110 so it crawls pretty slow in 1st. Sounds like mine works about like yours, several passes on each area does it up pretty good.
larry8200 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 14:50:45
Originally posted by 1014211

How many passes did you make with the tiller? One pass per "row" wasn't enough, was it? I have to make several passes to do that and wondered if mine is running the wrong speed or something...

I overlapped 50%, I went 3 directions, probably hit every spot 6-8 times. This shuttle doesn't go slow enough to be a great tilling machine, tiller needs to be on a hydro, or maybe a 6 speed or a high low setup goes slower. Dont know about that but I happen to have two hydro's.
1014211 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 14:36:00
How many passes did you make with the tiller? One pass per "row" wasn't enough, was it? I have to make several passes to do that and wondered if mine is running the wrong speed or something...

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