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 bring on the leaves

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
snohiker Posted - 10/10/2010 : 21:54:08
hooked it up and covered the large frame also

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 10/14/2010 : 21:21:45
When is seat time a pain? Wish I had more than 150 bushels of leaves to sweep. Right now It is very dusty. Clay makes very fine dust when it is super dry.
ATF Posted - 10/14/2010 : 21:20:16
Originally posted by snohiker

nope always a reason to play on the tractors and build something new for them . love it

I know, I know, I'm just trying not to act jealous :)
snohiker Posted - 10/14/2010 : 09:55:48
nope always a reason to play on the tractors and build something new for them . love it
ATF Posted - 10/13/2010 : 22:57:27
So now you have leaves AND dust, dang, The prairie looks good now. It's got to be a pain cut grass all summer, remove leaves all fall, push/blow snow all winter, you guys never catch a break
snohiker Posted - 10/13/2010 : 09:37:49
there will be no dust i feel the same way . when i do the filter system on it ill add more pics they will be under the discharge hood on top
skunkhome Posted - 10/13/2010 : 08:42:42
I chop my leaves then use a sweeper. I can't tolerate the dust raised by vacuum systems.
thepatriot Posted - 10/13/2010 : 08:28:10
Wow,GREAT work!
ATF Posted - 10/12/2010 : 21:50:02
I only have 3 trees on 20 acres, so I dont need nuthin like it, but I think I saw one of those on Hee Haw about 40 years ago, just kidding,:)
larry8200 Posted - 10/12/2010 : 18:47:13
Hey, you want to build me one of them? :)

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