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T O P I C    R E V I E W
B10Dave Posted - 10/10/2010 : 21:29:39
Let the weeds get way ahead of me this year. Today was beautiful weatherwise so I decided to put myself and the two BigTens to work. Pulled the weeds where my begonia bed will be next year; then tilled the area. Then went around by the pool and started to pull weeds there. More left for tomorrow and then lawn to cut for final time this season.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acb10_64 Posted - 10/11/2010 : 09:12:15
Looks good Dave. I see your grass stayed nice and green! Mine needs some work, hopefully i can overseed before it gets too cold!
B10Dave Posted - 10/10/2010 : 22:04:23
Phil. I know you southerners think we up here have nine months of winter and three months of poor sledding but; we actually get warm enough weather to use the pool from July 26th. to August 4th. LOL. Sleepy, I don't own a flail or a sickle mower but they are on my want list. Dave.
sleepy Posted - 10/10/2010 : 21:51:13
It would have faster and easier to use your Flail mower at least around the pool lol.
skunkhome Posted - 10/10/2010 : 21:40:28
Is that your raised skating rink.

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