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 Putting the weed cutter to work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 06/19/2010 : 13:59:11
Used the weed cutter this morning to mow down a path in our unused back yard for the kids. The grass was taller than the hood of the tractor and it took two passes (one in transport and one down) to get it walkable. A total of four passes were all I needed to get a nice 5-6ft wide walking path.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1014211 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 17:15:26
Skeeters are about the only thing needed to be worried about. And it isn't normally a problem, but we have had so much rain this spring/summer they are a problem this year. But in the heat of the day and with a little spray on it is tollerable. And as for snakes, last year I would come across a couple as I mowed, but haven't seen one yet this year...
7010b1 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 14:07:04
my last question I think would be: are you going to spray or brodcast some bug -b- gone in and a long the trail's or don't you have the ticks, nats, and skeeters or do you have plenty of snakes to eat them all up?
1014211 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 11:14:18
It is finished! :) The kids love the paths to play in, but I am still looking for things to mow down, great fun! It does do a great job, but I can see why they quit making them. I have to park it in right up against the wall because those blades can stick out and cut you if you walk by too close. Not cool with the kids always getting into everything. And that's when it's parked! :) But it is a fun and useful attachment.
B112 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 05:36:30
Thanks for showing us your new attachment! I like it.
7010b1 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 02:35:50
looks great! now don't you just want to keep them blades spinning and finnish it all? or are you tired of it aready???

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