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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RBE17 Posted - 08/24/2009 : 08:08:32
I picked this up over the weekend. 1972 4040, high flotation tires, front blade, wheel weights, chains, 3pt hitch and Brinly 3pt fork lift. It needs some work, but considering the price I paid for it I am happy.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RBE17 Posted - 08/26/2009 : 07:51:19
Originally posted by olcowhand

If only a 3 1/2hr trip, you surely stole this tractor! Want your money back?

Are you making me an offer? I'd consider selling this tractor (less the blade and brinly fork lift) because I've got my eye one on a 9020. I knew the 4040s had the original axle and small spindles, but did not realize they can only operate one hydraulic cylinder at a time. I had hoped to use this machine in the winter w/ a snowthrower and rear blade, but won't be able because of the one hydraulic / one cylinder issue. Because of that I think the 4040 will become the loader / backhoe machine. However, that is going to force me to upgrade the front axle and spindles on this machine. I'm having a little buyer's remorse and wish I would've waited to try and find a newer machine. Regardless, I am grateful I found a good deal as I know what these machines can cost.
olcowhand Posted - 08/25/2009 : 19:25:54
If only a 3 1/2hr trip, you surely stole this tractor! Want your money back?
skunkhome Posted - 08/25/2009 : 18:46:46
That is pretty cool to have the historical records
oldron Posted - 08/24/2009 : 09:46:23
Very nice indeed!
RBE17 Posted - 08/24/2009 : 08:56:58
Originally posted by B112

Very nice!

Thanks!!! I got it pretty cheap, which was nice, but there's a lot more to fix that I anticipated. If I wouldn't have driven 3+ hours I would've haggled a little bit when I got there. Coincidentally, the trip cost me half as much as the tractor.

Oh, I forgot to add that this only has 454 hours on the hour meter. It also has a rear pto.

I now own a tractor that is older than I am. I have the original bill of sale from 5/5/72. Total price out the door was $2,600.
B112 Posted - 08/24/2009 : 08:11:36
Very nice!

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