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skunkhome Posted - 07/11/2009 : 01:40:24
Outdoor Life March 1975

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 07/12/2009 : 22:53:54
A CA, D-10, or D-12? Don't ask for much do ya Phil? Those babys are cashy, but very cool!
skunkhome Posted - 07/12/2009 : 09:25:53
I do have a 450 sf garden I could use use the 7000 in
maybe a static display to tell the neighbors I'm serious about farming.

If I could find a CA, D10 or D12 locally I would sneak it home and hide it behind the shed for a month or so, so when Jann asks where did that old tractor come from I can honestly say "Oh that old think?" "I've had that a long time..."
B-16_IC Posted - 07/12/2009 : 09:20:53
I was thinking of the same thing, I want that wish book! That would be a cool addition to the collection. I have a friend that farms with a couple of the 7000 series, fine tractors.
7010b1 Posted - 07/11/2009 : 13:25:20
lol depends on if you planned on driving it to work or not...
skunkhome Posted - 07/11/2009 : 12:58:20
I wonder how long it would take to have me committed if I parked that 7000 series in the drive
7010b1 Posted - 07/11/2009 : 02:40:18
cool never seen that one yet. I wander if I send to the address on the bottom they could send the wishbook? and wish I had the 2 largest one...

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