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 Simplicity 3212v mower deck drive

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mechtler Posted - 06/29/2009 : 11:42:33
hello to all of you!

i have recently bought above mentioned lawn mower tractor. unfortunatly the drive for the mower creates a problem as the belt does not last very long ... 1/2 hour and the belt is gone!
I have change the disk whells and have bought the wider belt ... bu t it doesnt help ... still the sam problem ...
so i wonder if one of you could give me an advise what to do oer? also i am interested in an manual about fixing the mower drive?
would appreciate your help!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 06/29/2009 : 12:56:01
The older Mule drives and cross overs can do that if you don't spend the time to make the pulley run clear and cleanly. Most of my pullies are pitted and have some rust. Then the drive is slightly out of alignment. I tend to need to adjust every three or four cuts. The last time because it just kept throwing the belt off and when that happens sometimes it gets in-between pulleys and gouges the belt. I know what I need to do. I need to disassemble the drive redrill out a bracket then sleeve it so it keeps in line. You may need to do things like that. I intend to either video tape or picture the problem areas then show what we need to do to fix these. I'm a little behind on projects, so right now I'm still adjusting...

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