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Edward T Donley Posted - 06/23/2009 : 20:08:50
Hello all,
Its been a while since I last dropped by.Since the last time I posted I was in the middle of tearing down the transmission on the B-1 and locating parts.The new bushings and seals went in with no problem and gear oil leaks are a thing of the past.I recently rebuilt the 8-HP Briggs and installed all new belts.Just have to prep it for paint now.I found a complete decal set on ebay a few months ago.During the winter I was actually able to bolt up the snow-blower and try it out.The snow was so wet that every time I would stab into a pile the belt would shoot right off.Had a lighter snow a few weeks later and she worked like a charm.Over the weekend I had the engine idling and breaking in the new piston and rings in the driveway. A Gent in a pickup truck stopped and asked me what year Allis it was. I told him 61-62 but was not positive.He laughed and said{Do you want another one?} I jumped at the chance, parts, parts,parts. So I made up a cheezy tow rig and drove 3/4 of a mile hooked it up and drove it back. Here are a couple of pics for grins n giggles.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 06/23/2009 : 23:19:22
Next big snowstorm me thinks they are not going to see me and the Allis helping them out.

My local dealer advised me not to help my neighbors because my machines would break, he was right, but I still don't listen. I figure the fun I have helping will pay off with the general good will in the neighborhood. Besides getting a kick out of the looks I get!
Edward T Donley Posted - 06/23/2009 : 22:36:46
Actually ran at half throttle in third gear. I wanted to let the rings break in without tearing anything up. My wife was driving behind me in the over lifted Ramcharger.She said that the theme to Benny Hill would have been perfect for the situation. The dead Allis was bouncing up and down because of the chains. My neighbors must think I am the biggest hick around here.Got some snobby looks coming up my street.Next big snowstorm me thinks they are not going to see me and the Allis helping them out. Moo Ha Ha. SHOW ME THE MONEY !!!
skunkhome Posted - 06/23/2009 : 22:20:40
Nothing to giggle at there! Did you have to make the trip running at idle?
B112 Posted - 06/23/2009 : 20:45:33
Looks like what I need. Getting someone to steer as I tow gets old and going 3/4 of mile would be out o fthe question! Now I've gotten some good tricks moving machines over the years and used my tractors to move both the Durango, Camaro and trailers around the yard. These machines come in handy.

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